
At any rate, building allies and making money

 Chapter 4

In the pursuit of any venture, the indispensable catalyst is financial backing . I've checked where I stand, and now I'm just going to hustle for it. 

"Kindly arrange the necessary preparations for my outing, if you please?"

In response to my composed tone, the butler, 

Ryuji Tachibana, bows and seeks confirmation.

Formerly working under my grandfather, the silver-haired middle-aged man outwardly doesn't treat me like a child. However, my childish actions may make me appear as if I'm pretending to be an adult now, causing some inconvenience.

"Understood, young lady. Where to?"

"Tokyo branch of Keikka-in Group's bank, the Far Eastern Bank."

The Far Eastern Bank, affiliated with the Keikka-in Group, functions as a regional bank, headquartered in a provincial city along the Sea of Japan. Its selection was influenced by the Keikka-in Group's ties to the eastern region during the establishment of its main office. Nevertheless, the bank is grappling with the repercussions of the economic bubble's aftermath. Furthermore, as a subsidiary within the Keikka-in Group, the Far East Bank consistently faces the looming apprehension of potential laid off .


"Welcome, Miss Runa.What brings you here today?"

Dressed in a suit that practically screams 'banker,' the branch manager, with glasses and a professional hairstyle, welcomes me in the VIP room. On the opulent table sits a glass of orange juice.

Impressed by the branch manager's business smile, tailored even for a young child like me, I decide to make an unconventional request in a childlike manner.

"It's nothing much. Please show me the bank's financial statements♪"



Ignoring the perplexed voices of the two adults, take a sip of the orange juice. Let's throw in some overt childlike charm for good measure.

" By the way I prefer grape juice to orange juice. Please remember that for next time."

"I understand. However, for a young lady to be discussing a balance sheet..."

"Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I'll blabber about anything. I hear a lot too, you know."

In conversations like these, maintaining control is crucial. The real goal of this conversation is to get the butler Ryuji Tachibana on my side, rather than the branch manager. As a young girl, scheming for profit at this point required the cooperation of adults.

"The bad loans here have reached a point of no return. Even the main branch is contemplating cutting ties. With the housing loan issue escalating, you already know who's going to get the axed, don't you?"

Crossing my arms over the table, I casually continued the conversation.

As the land myths* crumbled, and everyone was burdened with bad debts, the housing loan issue erupted in the parliament, leading to the final blow that connected to the financial crisis of '97.

[T/N- in 90's bubble in land prices Japan reached unimaginable height thus when the bubble crumble 97's to 2010's marked sort of economic breakdown for nation of Japan]

"Excuse me, young lady. Even if that's true, what a young lady like you can do?"  

the branch manager tried to counter.

I dismissed his attempt with a wave.

"Oh, I'm just a woman. There's only one thing a woman can do."

Reflecting upon the words of the one who posited, "A woman is inherently a woman and an actress,"* I contemplated how even a young girl acquires the art of charming men—a skill, perhaps, bestowed by the mother in the womb.

[T/N- I really tried to find who said this but alas couldn't, although I found many men(as in 44a+XY) all over the history symbolise women as a treasure with a timelimit. why ? I don't know I just found this common thing after reading 1000+ quotes about women from China, Idian sub-continent, European Kingdoms]

"A pawn in a political marriage. Marry into some wealthy Zaibatsu, and play a role in rescuing the Keikka-in family."

Two men fall silent in response as if to my assertion my musings.

My existence is for this purpose in an irrefutable truth, rendering any attempt at contradiction futile by these two gentlemen.

"Kindly present the financial statements, encompassing those back ledgers. Without such transparency, discerning the zaibatsu from which I should entertain proposals becomes an enigma, doesn't it?"

Inadvertently, I find myself cradling my head, a reflexive response to the abundance of ledgers spread across the table in the VIP room.

The fact that the second glass of juice has casually changed to grape juice indicates that this branch manager is no fool.

Or rather, a fool wouldn't be able to hold the position of Tokyo branch manager.

"Oh!..Isn't this is terrible?"

As expected, or rather, as it should be I guess.

Nonperforming loans within the Far Eastern Bank are a serious concern, certainly not a topic to be treated with levity.

Far Eastern Land Development, a real estate business, over-invested in local resorts, and the those business was operated by Far Eastern Hotel.

It was necessary to cut losses early in this case.

Keikka-in Maritime Insurance and Far Eastern Life insurance are also struggling with nonperforming loans from the bubble period.

With the yen's appreciation, Keikka-in Chemical and Keikka-in Merchant Shipping are successfully avoiding financial losses. Meanwhile, Keikka-in Pharmaceuticals is compensating for the underperformance of each individual company, essentially mitigating their financial challenges.


If I were to mortgage my mansion, how much loan could I secure?"

The reality of the situation is now accompanied by the emergence of a devilish twist.The branch manager, at this point, didn't dare to treat me like a child.

"Well, it's the Keikka-in family mansion and in Tokyo too.

Including the land and building, you might get around a billion 


Decaying or not, it's still a conglomerate. Before the main structure collapses, it's the last time they can manage to deceive.

"Prepare 500 million with the mortgage. Anyway, In the foreseeable future, it is highly likely that the estate will serve as collateral.."

At this point, I glance at my butler, Tachibana.

As the main family is reluctant to get involved with me, he is my practical guardian, being the butler.

"This is where the shenanigans start, but I'm a nothing but a child world wouldn't trust me. I need a trustworthy and reliable adult. Is there anyone around?"

Sensing the deliberate tone, Tachibana, the butler, let out a deep sigh.

"You resemble the great master great deal in such aspects.So, what should I do?"

Alright. I managed to secure a promising ally.

While at it, let's recruit the branch manager too.

Tokyo branch manager, Ichijou Susumu , if I memorised the name correctly.

"Do you possess knowledge regarding the 'Internet' and 'Browser'?"


Later, the high-tech investments by the Far-Eastern Bank, whispered within the industry as the 'Far Eastern Bank's ninth-inning two outs two strikes come-from-behind home run*' as it made unbelievable returns, temporarily dominating 80% of the Keikka-in Group's earnings.

[T/N :- Baseball refference]

Ichijou Susumu, the man who emerged as a key figure in this financial big bang, and his success led to his prominent appointment as a director at the Far Eastern Bank. It is said that during every significant investment cases, he always visited the residence where Runa Keikka-in resided.


[Balance Sheet]

Knowing this and the income statement can change the world.

[Residential Loan Issue]

The core of nonperforming loans related to land.

The hesitation and delay in handling the issue by the Residential Loan National Assembly became a fatal blow.

[Internet and Browser]

Now indispensable for a certain window and Y-affiliated company.

It's a secret that I was shocked when I researched and saw the stock price.

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