
The Grape Juice Girl and the Cola Boy

 Chapter 18

The Teia Group is a newly emerging conglomerate formed after the war, which started in the Fabric sector and expanded into Automobiles. Teia Motors now reigns as one of the world's top automotive manufacturers.

Positioned as an outsider compared to the pre-war conglomerate Group, which has a long history as a major enterprise, the Teia Group now boasts top-class profits within the Japanese conglomerate world 

In recent years, there have been rumors of restructuring within the group due to the damage from the bursting of the bubble economy.

I believe it was either Teia Shuichi's grandfather or great-grandfather who married into the Futaki family.

Teia's is also attempting to take control within the group by aligning with other outsiders from the Futaki Group, such as Shibaura Electric, Ishihari Shipbuilding, and Fusou Film.

There are also rumors of the "Three Honorable Honsa (Pillars)" consisting of Futaki Corporation, Futaki Bank, and Futaki Trading, competing against them, so the reality at each place may be similar.

"I am grateful for your invitation, Duke."

"I don't really like to have a title, but being called that in a place like this isn't so bad, Teia Shuichi-san ."

Thanks to the persistence of the aristocratic commt, the aristocracy has managed to survive through several system reforms after the war, including ennoblement of commoners and acceptance of blue blood through marriage.

In that sense, the Keika-in family could be considered a powerful family among the aristocracy due to its involvement and success in business.

Whether for prestige or practical benefits, there were quite a few people who desired the blue-blood.

While I was pondering such matters, Teia Shuichi looks in my direction.

Well, this blonde hair must be quite unusual among all Japanese.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Kaika-in Runa. Uncle."

"Oh, aren't you a well-taught young lady. Is that uniform from the same school as Eiichi?"

Of course, I knew from the game setting, but Eiichi-kun also wears the same school uniform as me. Additionally, Teito Gakushukan Academy, where we attend, is a prestigious school located in prime real estate in Tokyo. It offers comprehensive education from kindergarten to university, and at the same time, admits excellent students from outside through entrance exams for middle and high school as well as university.

I will have a little chat with the Duke, so why don't you enjoy yourself with Runa-san over there?"

Is it okay for me?
I'm a girl who's been talked about in various ways, you know."

In an instant, time freezes.

It's a scandalous story related to the Keika-in family, but it would be strange if it hadn't leaked out to someone of this class.

Even so, it must have been unexpected for the adults to have it openly revealed by the person centre of that .

"Runa.Where did you hear that story from?"

I return a cheerful childlike smile to Uncle kyomaro, whose eyes aren't smiling. It was clear from Uncle Kyomaro's smile that he was suppressing his anger at revealing such a thing to a child like me.

"Well, I forgot."

While saying this, I glance at where the members of the branch family and their entourage area.

Kyomaro and my older brother seem to have understood the situation.

"Got it. We'll talk about this later. For now, go with Eiichi-kun over there."


Taking Eiichi's hand, who still hasn't quite grasped the situation, I quickly head towards the edge.

When I let go of his hand, he finally speaks up.

"You... you're a weird one."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now then, shall we have a little adventure and fun, leaving the complicated talk to the adults?"

In the game, Teia Eiichi had become a splendid all-around character as a result of imperial education. Apparently, he wasn't quite that kind of character yet at this time.

"Huh? Wait... hey! Where are you going!?"

After I dragged him from the party venue and hesitaty follows me.

Of course, there are guards with us, so I call one over and whisper to him.

"I'll have someone bring it if you want."

"No, that won't do."

"They won't let me drink it because it's bad for my health! Don't you think that's rude?"

"Hey hey.What on earth are you trying to do?"

Eiichi starts to worry as the guard, who's at his wit's end with my childish request, scratches his head.

Their salvation comes soon after.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Miss Runa said..."

With a puzzled expression, my older brother Nakamaro looks at me as I proudly show a 500 yen coin from my pocket.

Then, with my hand on my hip, I proudly declare,

"Big brother.I want to buy juice from the vending machine at the first floor shop!"

Three men, puzzled, exchanged glances. On behalf of them, Nakamaro brother asked.

"Runa. If you ask, the guards can buy juice for you, and besides, if you ask the attendants, they will bring it to you."

"Oh, you still don't understand, big brother!"

I said with a pretentious gesture, stating a very childish reason.

In one of the episodes Eiichi-kun in the game struggled with how to pay when shopping with the protagonist because he didn't know how to do it.

Although I planned to left Eiichi-kun alone*, I thought I should at least teach him some common sense as a normal person in this situation.
[T/N- yes yes congratulations you are 1000th Japanese protagonist to do that]

But I just wanted to drink it too.

"I mean, there's a meaning for me to buy it from the vending machine! Because Runa is about to be an elementary school student!!"

Sometimes, there's a part of me that feels like my soul is being dragged by my body, and I become a real child.

Knowing that being purely a child is true happiness, I cherish those moments.

Nakamaro brother sighed and took my hand.

"I guess there's no helping it. Let's go together. Come with us, Eiichi-kun. Sorry, but could you indulge Runa's whim?"


Though he said yes, his face clearly showed his reluctance. Oh Eiichi-kun.....~~

Nakamaro brother took my hand and led me to the elevator. After that, Eiichi-kun and his guard got on and the door closed.



Nakamaro brother spoke to Eiichi-kun.

While pretending to enjoy the night view of Shinjuku reflected outside, I listened carefully.

"This is how Runa is. She feels a bit out of place both at home and at school. If you could become her friend, it would really a great help."

"...I'll think about it."

Hey. You're supposed to answer with "yes". At least on the surface.

Of course, I didn't say anything and we soon arrived at the first-floor shop area.

The juice I wanted was sitting on the top shelf in the vending machine corner.

At this time, my height was about 120 centimeters.

"I caaaan't get ittttt!!! Eek!"

Seeing me jumping up and down with tears in my eyes, Nakamaro nii-san picked me up.

"Come on. Which one do you want?"

"This! Grape juice!"

Because it's not 100% juice but 30% juice, it's sweet and delicious.*
[T/N- I never drunk this type of juice so don't ask me what is this I just  wrote word to word from original text]

I loved this simple taste because I was a commoner in my past life.

Being carried by Nakamaro nii-san, I pressed the button for the grape juice I wanted.

"I did it!"

"Well done. Shall we get the change next?"

"Oh! Wait a minute, big brother!!"

I pressed the button three more times.

Two coffees and a cola.

When Neimaro brother put me down, I gave the coffee to Neimaro nii-sama and the guard, and handed the cola to Eiichi-kun.

It's a thank you for accompanying me. The reason I gave Eiichi-kun a cola is because I guessed that his family probably didn't let him drink cola.

"Thank you. Let's drink together. Cheers!"


"Wow! This one's foaming up!"

"Just drink it with the foam!"

Seeing Eiichi-kun surprised by the foaming cola and then drinking it with gusto, I smiled satisfactorily.

He seemed to like the taste, and Eiichi-kun drinking cola became a sight seen quite often afterwards.


Authors Note


[Teia Group]

That automobile manufacturer.
It would be impossible for that position to survive if the conglomerate did.

[Futaki Zaibatsu]

That conglomerate that has its roots in a kimono shop from the Edo period.

[Hereditary peerage]

The original is the hereditary peerage of Britain.
In Japan, because there are no landowners based on peerage for families, the setting is that they survive by combining blue blood and capitalists.

[Juice price]

At this time, it's still 120 yen.


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