
Femme Fatale

Chapter 44

As a daughter of a respectable family, I naturally became quite knowledgeable about the arts. Despite the Keika-in family's occasional neglect, they never skimped on my artistic education. My high-spec status as a reincarnated villainess has helped me navigate my life without any major blunders so far.

This is why I developed a deep appreciation for classical music too.

"What’s this? Runa, you’re here too?"

"Eiichi-kun, you came as well? Ah, I see."

When I checked my ticket, it was for a special concert by the Teia International Philharmonia in the Teia Orchestral Hall . This was part of the Teia Group's patronage activities. Naturally, it made sense that the heir would make an appearance.

"Huh? Isn't this an Guest’s Perch?"

Eiichi-kun noticed my ticket's seat number. Naturally. Listening from the VIP or invitation seats while being greeted feels too rigid. I asked Tachibana to secure an upper-class reserved seat, opting for one on the edge to enjoy the event quietly. My outfit subtly adheres to the dress code for the same reason.

"Yes. As it's my hobby, listening quietly is the proper way to enjoy classical music."

"I see. Understood."

Eiichi-kun, clearly not comprehending, summoned his attendant. Oh no. I sense trouble.

"Arrange for this lady's seat to be next to mine. She’s Keika-in Runa of the Keika-in Dukedom."

The attendant, recognizing my name, bowed silently and departed.

"Hey, didn't you hear me say I wanted to listen quietly?"

For the first time, Eiichi-kun put his hands together in a gesture of supplication, reluctantly seeking my help.

"Please, Runa. I must admit, I find classical music rather dull and difficult to endure."

With a sigh at the unusual weakness of the usually arrogant Eiichi-kun, I agreed.

"You owe me one. Also, prepare a dress suitable for the VIP room."

"Ojou-sama, the outfit is ready for you. Please, let's get you changed."

Tachibana, you anticipated this, didn't you? Eiichi-kun’s VIP seat was a central box seat in the hall.

Today's performance features Bizet's "Carmen"[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen] and "L'Arlésienne"[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Arl%C3%A9sienne_(Bizet)] suites. The concert lasts about an hour, and since it’s derived from operas, it ranges from flamboyant to quiet, keeping it interesting. To keep Eiichi-kun from getting bored, I explained the pieces bit by bit.

"This is from an opera?"

"Yes. Technically, it’s from two operas, 'Carmen' and 'L'Arlésienne'. They were rearranged into suites."

Both operas culminate in tragic conclusions. "Carmen" narrates the tale of Don José, whose passionate love for Carmen leads to his downfall, ending with him fatally stabbing her. In "L'Arlésienne," Frédéri descends into madness and ruin due to his infatuation with the girl from Arles. The irony lies in the fact that, despite these sorrowful narratives, the music is imbued with a bright and breezy Southern European ambiance. I was initially captivated by the music and later stunned by the somber stories of the operas.

"A femme fatale*, huh?"

[T/N - French word for woman so beautiful who could lead countries to war for her.]

"...Yes. Exactly."

What a cruel irony. I realized. If this life is set in an otome game, I’m destined to be ruined by a femme fatale protagonist. No wonder I liked these pieces.

"I’ve heard this one before."

"The 'Toreador Song[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toreador_Song],' right? It’s often played."

"It certainly keeps you engaged."

"Knowing the historical context makes it even more enjoyable. The bullfighters were the stars of that era..."

"Why did Don José fall for Carmen?"

"Though the opera altered it, it involves Basque ethnic issues. It includes women’s social advancement and gypsy struggles, unresolved even in modern Europe..."

[T/N - for people who quite didn't get it , I am explaining this from my personal experience from reading Carmen , english major ,in the syllabus , Carmen challenged the norm of that time she was seductive bold independent like a forbidden food and Don Jose seeing went and oh mah God...... Like you go seeing Tokisaki Kurumi or Chainsaw-man himeno. And here gypsy meant nomadic tribe as well as vagabond]

Music is enjoyable just to listen to, but understanding its background makes it even more fascinating. I noticed Eiichi-kun was naturally tapping to the rhythm.

"I’ve heard this one too."

"The 'Minuet*,' right? Some places play it in the morning."

[T/N - what I know minuet is a french origin dance with music, it don't have a fix set of music but dance step why , Eichii can recognise that by music I don't know, これも聞いたことあるな this the original line , it can be taken as 'see' sometimes too but not usually , oh god that's why translating Japanese so goddamn hard]

The piece ended, and applause thundered through the hall. As people began to leave, the upper class with time to spare stayed behind to avoid the crowd.

"Not bad."


Eiichi-kun seemed satisfied. Interestingly, he had classical music listed as a hobby in high school.

"Any favorite pieces?"

"The 'Toreador Song,' I guess. And the last piece was flashy , I liked it quite a bit."

"That's 'Farandole' from the second suite of 'L'Arlésienne.' It starts and ends dramatically, which is why it’s popular."

"Did you have a favorite, Runa?"

I tilted my head slightly at Eiichi-kun’s question. I liked all of them, but if I had to choose...

"The nocturne from 'Carmen' Suite No. 2, perhaps. I love it so much I’ve memorized the lyrics."

"It has lyrics?"

"Yes. They go like this."

Thanks to the cheat body-specs of the villainess.

The song I sang resonated throughout the concert hall, loud and clear.


The reverberation of my voice exceeded expectations, catching the attention of those who recognized the song. The accompaniment commenced, leaving no room for retreat. It was, undoubtedly, the piece just performed. Moreover, with the audience still present, it unexpectedly became a surprise encore. With no alternative, I sang with unwavering determination.

It was the nocturne, or more precisely, Micaëla’s aria.

After what seemed like an eternity, the song concluded. A thunderous applause ensued, though I was too immersed in the moment to fully appreciate it. Sweating and breathing heavily, Eiichi-kun applauded with glistening eyes, his applause directed solely towards me. My heart raced slightly, attributing it to the intensity of the performance.




【This scene is actually an homage to volume 10 of F.S.S.】

"Carmen" and "L'Arlésienne" were the first classical pieces I listened to. I love both Bernstein’s and Karajan’s renditions of "Carmen."

Here is the reference link I used:


Uh... (shudders)


A region between Spain and France still facing independence issues. And now Catalonia too...


An external term; now referred to as Roma, a nomadic people. Their history of persecution is a dark part of European history.

【Micaëla’s aria】

Sung by Don José’s fiancée, expressing her determination to win him back from Carmen. Thinking about it, my fondness for femme fatales might have been influenced by Carmen.


Translator Note


Sorry there is only one chapter today I am quite busy with some irl issues!

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