
Forever with my beloved

Chapter 12.3

In the end, my legs gave out , and I ended up being carried princess-style by Leon to the secondary house again.

Leon suggested that we stay over, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

If we stayed at the accommodation, we would have undoubtedly been pampered.

But now, I preferred to endure hardships with my loved one, even if it meant facing some inconvenience, rather than being waited on by someone.

Unlike on the way there, being carried princess-style didn't embarrass me.

It was partly because no one was watching, but the bigger change was in my own mindset.

Living with Leon in the Bartfault domain.

I finally solidified my resolve for that.

As a result, Leon, who was not only receiving investments from the Redgrave family but also taking me as his wife, would face even more hardships.

What if the Redgrave and Bartfault families end up in conflict?

I don't even want to imagine it, but as a ruler, it’s my duty to consider the worst-case scenario.

"What's wrong, Angie?"

Leon suddenly spoke to me. It seemed my expression had tensed up a bit.

"It's nothing."

"It's cold, isn't it? Let's Snuggle closer."

Saying that, he tightened his arms around me.

I'm sure Leon doesn't understand what I'm thinking.

But it's okay if he doesn't understand.

If he knew what I was thinking, he would try to worry along with me.

Because I love him for being like that, I purposely hide my feelings.

If he finds out and gets mad, I'll honestly apologize, and we'll work hard together.

I can't foresee the future, but I'm sure we will manage.

Thinking about such things, I let myself be swayed by the movement and eventually fell asleep.

"Angie, we're here."

I rubbed my eyes and found that we had already arrived at the front door of the secondary house.

Gently lowering my feet, I entered the house. The coldness of the floor felt pleasant on my bare feet.

Even without turning on the lights, I was familiar with the layout of the house.

Living here had become second nature to me.

On the other hand, my life in the royal capital as a duke's daughter and a prince's fiancée felt like a distant memory.

I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

The despair I felt when my engagement was broken and the distrust I harbored towards the royal family still smoldered in a corner of my heart.

Even so, I had found something more important and precious to me now.

Rather than living with resentment and cursing the world, I chose to savor the small happiness of being with my loved one.

That was much more constructive and joyous.

With such thoughts, I soon found myself in front of the room.

Seeing Leon about to head to his own room, I impulsively grabbed his hand.

Leon looked at me quizzically. I didn't even know why I stopped him.

I just didn't want to be apart from him, even for a moment.

"Let's sleep together."

I voiced my wish in a few words.

Leon said nothing. There was no need to say anything.

I then invited him into my room.

Only the light from the moon and stars visible through the window illuminated the room.

Feeling slight chill, I sat down on the bed. Leon sat down at the same time.

Even though we had been physically intimate many times before, being alone together like this left me unsure of what to say.

That was fine.

I was afraid that putting it into words would make this happiness vanish like mist.

"Shall we sleep?"


We lay down on the same bed.

I looked up at the wood grain of the ceiling, still retaining the novelty of a new house.

Thinking back, so much had happened since last night.

The tears I shed, soaking my pillow over the pains of love, now felt like a lie.

I felt fulfilled now.

Suddenly, I noticed something touching my hand. It was Leon's hand.

"Come closer."

He spoke in a tone that left no room for refusal. I slowly crawled closer on top of the blanket.

What if he wanted to make love again?

My body was certainly tired, but I had no intention of refusing the act of confirming our love.

"Are you going to hold me again?"

"No, but I want to feel you close."

Saying that, he pulled me closer, and I buried my face in his chest.

I could feel his heartbeat.

The steady rhythm of it gave me a sense of security, and once again, drowsiness began to overtake me.

"Hey, Leon. I have a request."

"What is it?"

"Can you give me an arm pillow?"

He adjusted his position and extended his left arm.

When I rested my head on it, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer again.

"Am I heavy?"

"It's fine."

"...I can't sleep if you keep staring at me."

"It's okay, I'm only looking at you isn't it ?"


Saying that, I gazed at his face too.

When we first met, Leon was broken, but now he was smiling gently.

He was here beside me.

That alone made me happy.

I wondered how much time had passed.

Feeling his steady breathing, I looked up to see that Leon had already fallen asleep.

He had intended to watch over me but ended up falling asleep first.

I couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming sight.

I gazed out at the night sky through the window, lost in thought.

Surely, my life will continue to be filled with trials and tribulations.

Many things will not go smoothly, and at times I will be overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

But I will not despair in life.

He is by my side.

That alone fulfills me.

My companion, my mate, my other half.

If he twists his ankle, I will become his cane.

If he loses his sight, I will become his eyes.

If he gets lost in the darkness, I will become the light that guides him.

That is what I wish to be.

Surely, I will make mistakes.

But when that happens, he will guide me.

Therefore, I will not despair in life.

The world is always cruel and relentlessly harsh to it's inhabitants.

Even so, I will not succumb.

He is by my side.

So, I can fall asleep with peace of mind.

Let us greet the morning with hope and live to the fullest.

No matter how harsh the world may be, we will live together.

And I fall asleep.

Embracing a love that does not yield to the world.

Authors Note

Altriebe Angelica (Happy End).

This concludes the current work for now.
Originally, I planned to write a postscript and erotic scenes to celebrate the start of the anime's second season, but in my excitement over the fan art, I impulsively paused other writings to work on this.
Despite being a clumsy fan fiction, I am immensely grateful for the requests and support.
Thank you very much.
By the way, I mentioned this is the end for now because I am currently working on another chapter.
If this chapter is Angelica (Normal END), the next chapter will be Angelica (Pregnancy END).
Think of it as different endings based on affection levels and choices (eroge logic).
P.S.: Gyouza-san kindly drew fan art for this chapter. Thank you very much.
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