
Journey towards the Silent Rest

Chapter 6

Photos of my parents are notably absent from my home. Due to the major scandal of Far Eastern group their existence has been erased.

My father's name is Keika-in Otomaro.

Judging solely from his name, it becomes evident that he does not bear the mantle of the designated heir.

Nevertheless, his blue-blood* had its uses, and he seemed to receive preferential treatment.

[T/N- Noble Bron]

I wonder if these pent-up feelings led him to become a businessman. My father, Otomaro, joined the Far Eastern Group and became involved in management.

"He was a man who rode the times.So, it was pitiful when he was abandoned by the same times," Tachibana, who knew my father, Solemnly told me.

It was just before the bubble era.

The Far Eastern Bank, a provincial bank situated in Yamagata Prefecture, forged ties with my father as a consequence of extending financial support to the Far Eastern Land Development, an enterprise founded by my father.

Far Eastern Bank, then just a provincial bank, fearing being swallowed by other banks, aimed to expand its scale. My ambitious father, expecting that the Keikka-in family wouldn't show any interest, tried to gather funds in the northern region, using his blue blood as a banner.

Concerning the Keikka-in family enterprises, a Keikka-in Pharmaceuticals facility in Kyushu, specializing in camphor-related production, coexists with Kyoka Chemical Industry's establishments in Mizushima, Okayama, and Yokkaichi, Mie.

Later, riding the wave of the bubble, the Far Eastern Group significantly expanded its scale. Establishing Kyokuto Hotels as it's core business, they built hotels almost everywhere. However, their plans to develop resorts were shattered by the Far Eastern scandal on the height of their rise.

"What crime my father commited ?"

"COCOM violation."

 It seems I've unintentionally become involved in a more serious situation than anticipated, prompting a solemn expression .

During the era of the bubble economy, discussions emerged regarding the establishment of a petrochemical complex at the port of Sakata, by Keika-in Chemical on the land provided by Far Eastern Land Development, a company with maritime ties to the East. The strategic blueprint involved utilizing imported oil and natural gas from the East for the production and subsequent domestic sale of goods.

However, it was revealed that a significant number of machinery and construction equipment had flowed into the northern Japanese Democratic People's Republic, which belonged to the east, during the construction. Upon investigation, it escalated into a major scandal where it had been eastern agents had infiltrated a considerable portion of the Far Eastern Group.

[T/N - it might confusing for many people so let me clarify, Eastern agents means spy from USSR, the cold war era. At "... belongs to east ..." although Japan was an US Ally his some part was newly added so cannot fully be controlled and that part supports USSR or controled by them.]

Despite not facing charges openly due to diplomatic immunity, my father ended up taking his own life. The Far Eastern Group was absorbed by the Keikka-in Group, leaving no trace behind, and all that remained was an immense amount of bad debt created by the collapse of the bubble.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be able to enter high society. Despite that, in the game world, I proudly flaunt my power as the villainess.

'What 'She' did ?


'What have I done?'


"Tachibana. Please share my mother story."

Currently, we are heading to a cemetery overlooking the Sea of Japan in Sakata by Cab.

The final resting places of my parents reside in there.

In the end, both my mother, who requested to be buried where she could see her hometown across the sea, and my father, who expressed his resentment with the words, 'I won't enter the Keikka-in's grave,' after feeling abandoned and betrayed, were laid to rest in this place.

"I'll borrow the words of the young lady's esteemed father; he described her as a 'spring-like person.'"

Her name was Natasha Alexandrovna Romanova.

While she asserts her lineage as a descendant of the Romanov family*, still retaining influence in Russia, there remains uncertainty about the authenticity of her claims.

[T/N- Royal family before Communism took hold of USSR in late 1800's to early 1900's.Their king is Tsar]

The orchestrator of this honeytrap was the State Security Ministry of the North Japanese Democratic People's Republic, the intelligence agency ruling Sakhalin. According to recent disclosures after the reunification of the nation, it seems the objective was to deal a blow to my grandfather, Duke Keika-in Hikomaru, who was a prominent figure on the right*.

[T/N- Right-wing ideology, or so to say nationist version of it, like P*land stance on immigration]

The apparent purpose behind safeguarding the Romanov family bloodline was not solely to gain an advantage over our nation, where the imperial family holds the highest position, but also to wield it as leverage against the Soviet Union, their ally. It's surprisingly plausible.

However, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, internal divisions and conflicts within the Communist Party, the State Security Ministry, and the military led to the collapse of the nation. It ended up being unified under our intervention, so one never knows how the world will unfold from there.

Veering off for a moment, my paternal grandmother is confirmed to be of Russian noble descent from the Romanov family. Well, I suppose I can loosely claim to be a member of the Romanov family. My maternal great-grandfather is said to be Emperor Alexander III of Russia.

The Emperor had someone he loved, considering marriage to that person, but due to the Emperor's responsibilities, he married someone else. However, by the time he stepped down, the person he truly loved was already expecting a child—a tale commonly heard.

So, through my fallen mother, manipulated by the East from the Russian Revolution through World War II, a honeytrap was set for my father.

Thus, my hair turned into beautiful blonde .

"We have arrived, young lady."

"So cold!"

Although three-quarters of my body may have Slavic roots, my soul and daily life are Japanese, and Yamagata is still chilly as ever at this time of year.

The bouquet I hold consists of white lilies, a flower my mother supposedly liked. It felt peculiar that my mother's grave had a cross while my father's had a tombstone, but well, let's pray that both of them are happy in the afterlife.

Placing a bouquet of lilies on my mother's grave and Tachibana putting a bouquet of chrysanthemums* on my father's, we both clasp our hands together. Even in this gesture, identifying as Japanese, we join our hands and recite a Buddhist chant.

[T/N- it's flower name , in Japanese it's name supposed to be Kiku or something! Anyway Japanese Imperial family liked it.]

"Nammandabu, nammandabu.

Are Father and Mother doing well?

Thanks to Tachibana, keiko-san, Aki-san, and Naomi-san, I'm living happily.Right now, I'm a kindergartener."

It's strange.

Although they should be parents I never saw, my voice trembles, and tears overflow.

"I might not join yet, but I hope to visit the gravesite in opportune times.Well then."

When I stood up, Tachibana gave me a handkerchief, and I wiped away my tears with it.

Is this my true feelings?

Or is it the genuine cry of Keikka-in Runa's heart?


[The foundation of the Far-Eastern Group is decided in Yamagata Prefecture.]

Niigata Prefecture would have been the most convenient location, but there's a behind-the-scenes story left here, saying it had to be scrapped because being there would inevitably lead to complications with the influential Tanaka Kakuei during its peak.

[COCOM Violation]

Officially known as the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM).

The Toshiba-COCOM Violation incident is famous.

[Father and mother's names confirmed.]

Mother's great-grandfather set as Tsar Alexander the III.

A romance with Maria Yermolovna Meshcherskaya worked perfectly, so I'll fabricate the details from here. 


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