
Keika-in Nakamaro's Atonement

Chapter 29

Keika-in family main residence.

Runa lives in one of the secondary houses, while the main residence is divided into the main building, where the head family lives, and the Western-style building that also serves as a guest guest house.

In the living room of the main building, Keika-in Kyomaro was reading a book.

"Excuse me, Father. Do you have a moment?"

His son, Nakamaro, entered the room carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Kyomaro, acknowledging him with a slight nod, allowed Nakamaro to sit in front of him.

"That's an unusual wine."

"It's Tokachi wine. Keika-in Hotel has started selling it on a large scale, and it's getting quite good reviews for pairing well with meals."

As Nakamaro spoke, a maid brought in some smoked salmon and cheese as appetizers, also from Hokkaido. Riding the wave of the newly started wine boom, Keika-in Hotel had begun promoting fresh food and drinks from Hokkaido. This move was also supported by Keika-in Bank, which had ties to the former Hokkaido Development Bank and sought to utilize the high-quality assets available in Hokkaido.

"It's delicious. She would have liked this flavor. Let's serve it at the next party," Seimaro said, enjoying the appetizers and wine in silence.

"She" referred to Ruriko, Kyomaro's late wife and Nakamaro's mother, who had passed away long ago. It was only after they had made some progress with the wine that Nakamaro spoke again.

"Runa is a sharp girl. She's caught on to most of our schemes."

Handling Keika-in Runa, who had long become a controversial figure within the family, had become even more complicated with this latest incident. If she hadn't noticed anything, they could have controlled her as a puppet and eventually married her off to a scion of some prestigious family or conglomerate. However, this incident had convinced both Kyomaro and Nakamaro that Runa was actually the one who effectively is in control of the Moonlight Fund.

"Nevertheless, we lack personnel. If we are to reclaim Keika-in Bank from the Ministry of Finance, we cannot exclude the presence of Tachibana and Ichijou. 

And at least for now, Runa is not aiming for independence."

Kyomaru gazed at the ceiling for a moment. 

After the death of his wife Ruriko, there had naturally been voices within the family urging him to take a new wife, but he had ignored them out of love for her.

Their only son, Nakamaro, had grown into a source of pride, and Kyomaru felt a sense of satisfaction thinking that Nakamaro would soon take over the Keika-in family.

However, Runa’s father, Keika-in Otomaro, being an illegitimate child, could not inherit the family estate and had instead established the Far Eastern Group. During the peak of the bubble economy, the latent land value almost allowed the Far Eastern Group to take over the Keika-in Group. And naturally the collapse that followed was disastrous.

Nonetheless, the Keika-in Group, centered around Keika-in Pharmaceuticals, which had not indulged in the bubble, managed to survive. Over time, this led to a dependency on Public Security, culminating in the recent farce, which concluded with no debts or obligations remaining between them.

[T/N- So let me clear up a bit here . Kyomaru basically saying to cover up Far Eastern scandals they used main group power ! That led to being Public Security having dirt on them! But with this recent incident (Runa Kidnapping) they got out of it]

"So, Runa's prince must be one of the three men present at that event. It's not a bad outcome for us," Nakamaro said.

A marriage with a scion of the Teia family would create an unparalleled alliance between conglomerates, although other financial groups and noble families would not remain silent. Additionally, members of the National Diet who had served as ministers often received noble titles, so a marriage with Izumikawa, who could probably become a baron, was also a favorable outcome. 

With Gotou, son of the chief officer of the Budget Bureau, it would be the easiest; if he became vice-minister of finance, that would be ideal. Even if not, Keika-in Bank could provide a suitable position, making him a valuable asset to the Keika-in Group with his expertise in financial engineering.

"And what about you? Nakamaro. As her brother, what do you think of Runa?"

This statement was a clear declaration that Runa would be treated as an adopted daughter of the main family. In Japan, it was not uncommon for someone to become an adopted child of the main family and marry as one of their children, so neither of them was concerned about that. What they did worry about was Runa's feelings towards the two of them.

"As her brother, I think I can support her. She has been in a lonely place. Her talents are likely a form of self-assertion, showing she can be useful."

"He wasn't a bad person. My brother," Kyomaro murmured softly.

Regret tinged his words.

"He wanted to be acknowledged by father and yet didn't know how to doubt others. As a result, the internal conflict between the Keika-in Group and the Far Eastern Group left his brother standing by in stunned silence. I don't want Runa to go through the same ordeal..."

This recent incident has exposed the dissonance within the family and raised concerns about internal control. To protect Runa, we had no choice but to treat her as the head family's daughter.

'I won't let that happen again. At the very least, I will protect Runa.'

With those words, Nakamaro set his empty wine glass on the table. At that moment, Kyomaro changed the subject.

''It's about time for you to settle down. There's a proposal from a marquis's daughter, who has strong ties to the Iwasaki Zaibatsu, the family of Ruriko's parents. What do you think?''

Keika-in Ruriko, Kyomaro's wife and Nakamaro's mother, was originally Iwasaki Ruriko. She belonged to a branch of the Iwasaki family, a leading conglomerate in Japan, where she served as an executive at Iwasaki Chemicals.

The economy was still struggling, and the Keika-in Group saw a strategic marriage with the Iwasaki Zaibatsu as a way to overcome this difficulty. They even considered selling the Keika-in Group to the Iwasaki Zaibatsu as a last resort.

Who could have imagined that young Runa would one day lead an even larger conglomerate than the Keika-in Group? Strengthening ties with the Iwasaki Zaibatsu was necessary to protect Runa.

Confirming that his father was not intoxicated, Nakamaro calmly and matter-of-factly replied. It was his duty as a noble.

''I wish to accept.''

'To protect...'

Leaving the living room, Nakamaro murmured to himself. Staring at the garden from the hallway and then shifting his gaze to the skyscrapers of Tokyo, he reflected.

'I’ve grown to love this view. Where I lived, there were no buildings this tall, and it wasn’t this warm.'

He remembered someone who had said such things to him, despite not recalling his own mother , even though she was his uncle’s wife, he couldn't forget her beautiful blonde hair and ephemeral appearance. It must have been his first love. Perhaps because it was a fleeting and unfulfilled memory, he could never forget it.

[T/N- hmmm mmmh I don't know if need to explain but woman is Runa's mother and Nakamaro first crush]

'Please... take care of Runa... Nakamaro-kun...'

She had died without Nakamaro being able to do anything, followed by his uncle's suicide, leaving only Runa behind. Her request still lingered in Nakamaro's heart.

'I am not the same as I was back then. At the very least, I must ensure Runa's happiness.'

Whether it was regret or first love, Nakamaro couldn't tell, but he intended to keep that promise. Snow began to fall gently in the garden.

'She hated the snow. Christmas is approaching... I see. It’s atonement.'

The memory of her must have brought those words to mind. But the thought felt right to Nakamaro, who continued to watch the falling snow for a while.




[Tokachi Wine]

I came to know about this wine from a certain Hokkaido local TV show called 'Tokachi Twenty Challenges.' The impact of the previous abduction incident was too strong.

[Nobility Titles]

It seems many people who have received honors have been ennobled in this setting.

With the additional writing for the book publication, Keika-in Ruriko (née Iwasaki Ruriko) was adjusted.(October 13th)


Translator Note


To conclude Kyomaro and Nakamaro hadn't have much strong feelings towards Runa but to who she is , for Kyomaro she is his shunned Little brother only child and for Nakamaro a Atonement towards his first love .

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