
Post-Event Management

Chapter 11

"Lady Angelica Rapha Redgrave, I vow here and now to love you for all eternity. Will you do me the honor, Angie, of becoming my wife and joining me, Leon Fou Bartfault?"

This moment will be etched in my memory forever.

Even if the world shifts or transforms, our paths will cross, and I will fall in love with him anew.

With a radiant smile, I accepted his heartfelt proposal.

"Yes, I humbly accept."

And so, I became Angelica Fou Bartfault.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

I accepted Leon’s proposal.

No, since I implored him, was it actually me who proposed?

I’m not sure.

I feel a warmth in my heart that I’ve never felt before.

I have the illusion that I’ve become a completely different person from the one I was yesterday.

I used to scoff internally at people who claimed that their outlook on life changed after their first experience, thinking, "How foolish..." I never imagined I’d have such an illusion myself.

So, what do a young couple do next after exchanging such vows?

The answer is cleaning their bodies and tidying the bed.

Leon and I were sticky with various bodily fluids, and the bed sheets were in disarray.

Despite the sweet atmosphere between us, we needed to clean ourselves and the room to be able to sleep tonight.

Leon brought a basin filled with water and several cloths, and we carefully wiped our bodies.

We would have preferred to take a bath, but it would take some time to fill and heat the tub.

Leon opened the window for ventilation and took the sheets to the washroom.

I wanted to help, but after last night’s passionate affair, I was utterly exhausted, and I looked resentfully at my trembling legs.

My knowledge was superfluous, and my body unnecessarily plump in the chest and hips. I couldn’t even manage to help my future husband.

Sunlight streamed in through the open window, and a cool breeze washed away the lingering air of our union.

While I was changing into the clothes Leon had brought from the room, he stripped the bed of its sheets.

The sheets bore bloodstains, proof of my purity, and marks of last night’s passion, like paint on a white canvas.

Seeing that made blood rush to my face, and my cheeks grew hot.

I had to do something, at least to be of some help to Leon.

“Just sit down, you haven’t regained your strength yet.”

He spoke in a tone that brooked no argument, and I was made to sit on the bed.

The highest-ranking man in the Bartfault domain was diligently caring for the daughter of a central noble.

To an outsider, I might appear to be a bad wife who bosses her husband around, adding to my sense of guilt.

“I’m going back to the room. Let me know when you’re ready to go out.”


With those words, he left the room. My body still screamed in pain from various places, but I could managed to walk.

I closed the door, lay down on the bed, and pressed my face into the pillow to steady my breathing.


A scream, a cry of agony, rejoice. All of those emotions were both right and wrong.

The joy of connecting hearts, the shame of skipping steps to be intimate, the anxiety about the future, and the guilt of choosing Leon over the Redgrave family.

All these feelings mixed and overflowed beyond their limits.

The most overwhelming of all was the shame.

I acted far too impulsively without thinking ahead. Once I make a decision, my fierce nature cannot be controlled.

I screamed just enough not to be heard, and finally, I felt calm.

Just half a day ago, I was crying in this room. Now, I don't know what kind of face to make when I see Leon.

There's no turning back. I’ve committed to living in this place.

I tried to think about what I needed and what I should do, but nothing came to mind.

The future is uncertain. What seems best now may turn out to be a mistake in hindsight.

As a mere lass, I cannot fathom the best way to lead the Bartfault domain.

I want to make Leon happy, but I lack household skills or feminine charm.

I have many desires, but what I can do is limited.

I want to make Leon happy, but I don't know how.

I have information about his abilities, background, family, and preferences, but no clear answer emerges from it.

What should I do? As I pondered this, I closed my eyes.

I needed to get ready as soon as Leon was prepared. He is the highest authority in this land.

The Bartfault domain is still young. If he doesn't show up even for a day, things might get delayed.

As my thoughts went in circles, my senses dulled. Eventually, I gave up searching for an answer and fell asleep without realizing it.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

"Angie... Angelica..."

I felt someone calling my name and opened my eyes. It seemed I had fallen asleep for a bit.

I stretched lightly to ease my stiffness. I wasn't fully recovered, but I felt somewhat better.

I looked at the person who called me. The one I love the most was there.


I yawned loudly and rubbed my eyes. My brain wasn't fully awake yet.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. I'll get ready right away."

"No, the sun is about to set."


I hurriedly looked out the window and saw the sky turning red.

I had overslept massively. The ridiculousness of it made me laugh dryly, past the point of anger.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so comfortable. I couldn't bring myself to wake you."

I almost snapped at Leon in frustration.

Leon is kind to me, but a lord cannot manage with kindness alone.

It's not right for him to spoil me when I keep making mistakes.

"You should have woken me up."

"You were exhausted because of me. I couldn't push you."

"Did you make it to Bartfault Manor?"

"Of course."

I sighed dramatically and covered my face with my hands.

I hate that I rely on his kindness. Raised to be the next queen, I'm not good at relying on others.

I may be good at assessing and using capable people, but I'm not used to trusting and cooperating with others.

In that sense, perhaps I wasn't suited to be a queen after all.

"I'm sorry, I spent the day doing nothing and being lazy. I'll work properly from tomorrow."

"You're overworking yourself, Angie. Sorry for making you carry the burden because I'm so sloppy."

Leon said as he stroked my head.

"I just can't shake off the fatigue. If this continues, it will become a problem."

"Then how about going to the hot springs?"

For a moment, his suggestion made me stop thinking.

The hot springs... The hot springs!

Our first project together to bring prosperity to this land.

Soaking in the hot springs to heal our bodies and enjoying chilled sweets and drinks afterward is the greatest luxury in Bartfault domain.

It's the perfect way to heal my stiff body and mind.

"That's a good idea."

I agreed and tried to get out of bed, but I wobbled as I hadn’t fully recovered.

Leon hurriedly supported me and helped me back onto the bed.


"Looks like your legs hasn't recovered yet."

I felt bad since he had made the suggestion.

It takes about several minutes to walk to the lodging facility. In my weakened state, it might take until nightfall to get there.

"Go ahead without me. I'll stay here."

I felt pathetic, but I wanted to avoid being a burden to Leon.

Leon looked at me silently. His gaze felt painful. I felt helpless but wanted him to enjoy himself without worrying about me.

As I was thinking that, Leon slowly sat on the bed.

Then he wrapped his arms around my back and legs.

'A kiss? I definitely want to avoid another intense Copulation...'

Exhausted, I wanted to avoid any more intimacy, but I dreaded Leon's disapproval even more.

However, there were no kisses or caresses. Instead, Leon's right arm wrapped halfway around my back, pulling me closer, while his left hand slipped under my knees, lifting my legs.

My perspective shifted suddenly, and I looked around in confusion. Finally, I realized that Leon was carrying me.

I recognized this posture—it was what people called a "princess carry."

"Wait, Leon!"

"Angie, just stay still."

"Put me down!"

"If I do, you'll just run away, so no."

I tried to move my arms and legs, but in this suspended position, I couldn't muster any strength. Even if I tried to hit him, our close contact would make it ineffective.

Leon could easily overpower me if he wanted to, but he didn't, out of consideration for me.

"I won't run! Just let me put on my shoes!"

"What should I do? Angie, you always push yourself too hard, so I can't take my eyes off you."

"If not today, we can go another time!"

"I want to go today, so that idea is rejected."

"Listen to me!"

I struggled desperately, but it was futile. Leon's face moved closer, and although he was smiling, his eyes were fixed.

This was a sign that Leon was angry.

Leon rarely got angry, as his threshold was quite high, but once he did, it was terrifying.

He never got angry unless someone crossed his bottom line or repeatedly provoked him.

Realizing that I had unknowingly angered him made my blood run cold.

"...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry."

"I know."

"I just don't want to be a burden to you, Leon."

"But you rejected me, didn't you?"

His firm tone made me wonder what he was planning to do.

"So this is your punishment. Angie, you will stay like this until we get to the hot springs."


"Let's go!"

"Wait, Leon! I'll apologize!"

"I can't hear you!"

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

I ended up being carried by Leon all the way to the lodging facility.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

"How am I supposed to show my face around Bartfault domain after this...?"

I sat on a bench near the lodging facility, my head in my hands.

In the end, Leon carried me all the way in a princess carry.

Even though it was evening, there was still some time before nightfall.

Since Leon started participating in the development projects, his face had become known among the residents.

As his fiancée, I was also a well known figure. In fact, because of my negotiations with various stakeholders, I might be more recognized than him.

During our journey, many people witnessed our antique.

Considering the time, there were many residents returning home after their day's work.

A lord carrying his fiancée through such a busy street would undoubtedly become a hot topic. It was perfect gossip material for a place with few diversions* like Bartfault domain.

[T/N- Entertainment]

Thinking back on it, my face felt like it was on fire.

I had seen men staring, women widening their eyes in shock, young people whistling, children not understanding what was happening, and elderly people smiling. People of all ages had seen us.

Within a few days, the rumor would spread throughout the domain. The image I had painstakingly built up in Bartfault territory was ruined.

"It's not something to worry about so much."

Leon, who had gone ahead to the lodging facility, muttered this.

He helped me put on some borrowed shoes, acting as if nothing had happened, which was infuriating.

"It's not okay. You're the lord of this domain. Every action you take reflects on the land and its people. If the lord is accused of neglecting his duties because he's too infatuated with his fiancée, it will be incredibly hard to restore his reputation."

"I just wanted to spend time with you, Angie."

"If we were ordinary people, that would be fine. But we are NOBLE S . We must be conscious of that."

I explained carefully, and Leon reluctantly agreed.

"But it was fun, wasn't it?"

"The embarrassment was overwhelming. It was as bad as being publicly humiliated when my engagement was broken off."

"That's a bit harsh."

Maybe I should scold him more. But, I had to admit, I didn't entirely dislike being carried by Leon.

I decided to relent.

"It's a relief that no one from the Bartfault family saw us. If they had, explaining it would have been difficult."

"I think it'll be fine."

"Why? Even if we're engaged, there are limits."

"I already told them that I proposed to you and you accepted."


I let out the loudest shout of the day and rushed to Leon.

The shock from his revelation was enough to make me forget my muscle aches. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him repeatedly, even though our size difference meant it probably wouldn't have much effect.

"Wh-why did you tell them!?"

"Well, we should report it properly to the family, right?"

"That's true, but there's a proper order to things! Consider the circumstances of the Bartfault family! Noble marriages require appropriate procedures!"

Why were we arguing just a day after the proposal?

Leon, having grown up in the lowest rung of noble society, was unfamiliar with noble customs.

I felt a headache coming on from the unexpected complication.

What's done is done. I needed to shift my focus.

"...What does your family think about our marriage?"

"Nobody's against it."


"Dad was so happy he cried. Mom is excited to have another daughter. My brother was a bit down that his little brother is getting married first. Colin congratulated us sincerely. My Older sister and Finley didn't believe it at first, which annoyed me a bit."

We had only been together for about six months, but I could easily imagine the Bartfault family's reaction. Of course, given the overwhelming difference in status between the Redgrave and Bartfault families, their family wouldn't be able to refuse if my engagement was forced, so they couldn't carelessly oppose it.

"You haven't reported this to the Redgrave family, have you?"

"I'm not that reckless. If they found out I laid hands on a duke's daughter before marriage, then no matter how many lives I had, it wouldn't be enough. I don't want to risk my life again."

That was true. If he could make such judgments, the rest of the procedures should go smoothly.

"Good, no one knows about our intimate relations."

"...Hahaha, yes, that's right."

Leon averted his eyes, his voice bit flat.

Wait a minute. What did you do this time?

"Lord Bartfault."

"...Yes, Lady Angelica?"

"I'm extremely concerned that you might have done something."


My naturally stern face becames quite intimidating when I was angry, causing my eyes to narrow. This often led to me being labeled as a villainess.

I squeezed out an angry voice from the depths of my stomach. If a timid child saw me now, they would probably cry.

"If you tell the truth, I'll go easy on you. What happened?"

"...Mother and Father found out."

...It's over. Everything is over.

I lifted my face to the sky. 

Ah! What a beautiful sunset.

After a moment of escaping reality, I returned and shook Leon's shoulders with even more force than before.

"Why did you tell them, you fool!? Don't you know the difference between things you can and can't say!?"

"It's not like that! When I went to report, they asked, 'Isn't Angelica coming?'"

"And then?"

"When I said Angie was resting at home, they asked, 'That serious Angelica?'..."

"I see."

"I tried to cover it up, but it was impossible. I've never been able to keep secrets from my mother..."

Women are strong, and mothers are even stronger.

Despite her gentle appearance, the baroness who raised five children under difficult circumstances was surprisingly resilient.

"And what about the baron?"

"Father sympathized with me, saying, 'Leon is young, after all,' but he got hit by Mother and had to sit with me for a lecture."

Serves you right, you both.

I sighed deeply and massaged my temples. I had tensed my face too much.

When I glanced at Leon, he looked like a scolded child, crestfallen.

He seemed genuinely shocked that I was angry with him.

For a moment, I considered letting him be, but quickly dismissed the thought.

This was the kind of man Leon Fou Bartfault was.

Strong yet weak, intelligent yet sometimes clueless, terrifying when angry but kind to those close to him.

I loved all of him.

It seemed foolish to worry about what had troubled me before going to sleep.

Out of love, I decided to stand by him until the end.

"Tomorrow, let's visit your parents together. We'll formally ask for their permission to marry."

"You're not mad anymore? You're not fed up with me?"

Leon looked like a worried child, which was a bit endearing.

I must be soft-hearted to forgive him so easily.

"I'm not mad. But from now on, consult with me before you do anything."

"I will, I promise."

"Then let's enjoy the hot springs."

"Let's do that."

My doubts had cleared.

Who knows what will happen in a year or ten?

Living in fear of the unknown is exhausting.

Leon will be by my side.

That one fact alone made me happy.


Authors Note


From here on, this is a revised version of the adult-oriented epilogue, inspired by fan art and adjusted to be suitable for all ages. Many readers expressed their desire to read the epilogue in a version suitable for all audiences, so I've revised an

d will be sequentially posting these additions.

I never expected my work to be so well received, and I'm genuinely surprised.

The concept is 'Alt Liebe Fandisc (Adult Version) Angelica Good End.'

Is there no salvation for a lady who was abandoned and removed from the scenario?

With this thought in mind, I plan to increase the sweetness level significantly.

P.S.: The scene in this chapter has been illustrated by yuyu and Yuki Sakura. Thank you very much.

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