
Stories of My Drivers

Chapter 40

The Keika-in Duke family is a noble house, and as such, we have two chauffeurs.

However, these two chauffeurs, despite being employed by the Keika-in family, apparently work under the stewardship of Tachibana.

"How does that work you ask?"

On the way home, the topic came up, and today's driver, Mitsukane Sone-san, started to tell his story while driving. Tokyo roads are always congested, so this served as a way to pass the time until we got home.

"I originally worked for the cherry blossom emblem, you see."

The cherry blossom emblem is police jargon. Seeing as he was too young to have been picked up at retirement age, I guessed he had done something, and didn't ask further. Sensing my thoughts, Sone-san confessed without hesitation.

"I was what you would call a corrupt cop. Got disciplined and resigned voluntarily. That's when Tachibana-san picked me up."

"Well, since you're telling me this, it probably wasn't anything too bad... but where did you meet Tachibana?"

"It was during my time as a detective. In places I'd rather not mention to a young lady like yourself, the cherry blossom emblem holds quite a bit of sway. We got acquainted through that, and our dealings and exchanges got me disciplined."

So, when Tachibana ventured into dangerous places, he hired Sone as a bodyguard. The "thank you" he mentioned was likely a hefty payment that led to his disciplinary action. As I pretended not to understand, Sone-san continued his story.

"That person is calm now, but back in the day, Tachibana used to be quite the presence. Many in the police had it out for him. Since I'm driving here now, I guess you can say I opposed those types and couldn't stay in the force, so Tachibana-san picked me up."

Naturally, there are factions in any organization. Being a detective means he wasn't a career bureaucrat but a field agent. If his earlier story is true, he's likely been through some tough times. If Tachibana benefited from his help, it makes sense he'd repay the favor by hiring him as a driver. The story didn't end there.

"So, this job... I get glared at from above just for being an ex-cop, and I'm seen as an enemy by peers... Tachibana-san might be different, but I'm sure he faced some hardships too."

Which was it? Was he involved with the yakuza or public security? Since he mentioned the emblem, probably yakuza.

"Still, Tachibana-san is quite capable. He was running full throttle on the edge from the Showa era. He had many allies, but also many enemies. It's impressive he didn't fall. I fell, so here I am."

Just as we reached home, the conversation came to an end.

"Did Sone-san really say such things? It's not the Showa era anymore... really, that man..."

Another day, on the usual way home, Tokyo was congested as always. Saburo Akanezawa, our other driver, chuckled while saying this.

"I heard Sone-san used to be a cop, but were you also in the police, Akanezawa-san?"

"As you guessed, young lady, I was also a policeman. Though, I wasn't a corrupt cop."

Compared to the fifty-something Sone-san, Akanezawa-san is in his prime, still in his forties. Leaving the police at such a young age, I wondered what had happened. I expected to hear some hardship stories, but Akanezawa-san's background was unexpected.

"I was seconded to the Yamagata Prefectural Police, supposed to be in charge of guarding your father, Keika-in Otomaro-sama."

Akanezawa-san continued, smiling wryly at my surprise. Quite the difficult background indeed. And he was supposed to guard my late father, Keika-in Otomaro...

"Supposed to?"

"Yes. After your father passed away in that incident, I couldn't return to headquarters. Tachibana-san picked me up."

Failing to protect his charge in a major incident that violated COCOM regulations and resulted in death was a huge blunder. Even if it wasn't his fault, such a blemish would definitely hinder career advancement in the police. Moreover, he had just been seconded from headquarters to Yamagata Prefectural Police, so it was like being exiled. Tachibana's offer must have come at the perfect time.

"I'm grateful. Thanks to him, I was able to return to Tokyo."

Being a rural policeman would leave no prospects for promotion, yet returning to headquarters was impossible. Tachibana's recruitment allowed him to return to Tokyo as my chauffeur.

"We've arrived, young lady."

"Thank you."

And thus, the conversation ended as we arrived home.

"Tachibana hired all these people for my sake. You don't have to worry about money anymore, so feel free to charge expenses to me."

That night at dinner, I said this to Tachibana, who was attending me. Tachibana smiled wryly and responded.

"Thank you, young lady. But this is more about duty and humanity than money."

"Duty and humanity, huh... that's very Showa."

The Heisei era saw the decline of such values, replaced by visible greed in society, especially after the bubble economy burst. Enjoying this remnant of the Showa era, I gave thanks for the meal.

"Thank you for the meal. But I don't dislike such things."


Corrupt Cops

Personally, what left a strong impression on me were Detectives Hattori and Matsumoto from "Detective Story". I really liked Mikio Narita-san back then. To keep the duo, I'd pair someone like Detective Jiro Makino from "The Big City Part III". Also, "Caseworker" (by Jiro Taniguchi, Action Comics) was a reference.

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