
The Erudite Presence in the Library

Chapter 50

Teito Teito Gakushukan Central Library.

This academy, which provides continuous education from elementary school through university, has libraries in each department, but they are seldom utilized.

This is because everyone consistently uses the Central Library.

"Ojou-San... Could I see your student ID, please?"


I presented my student ID to the guard at the entrance and proceeded into the library.

This library is an expansive facility, featuring towering bookshelves, extensive closed stacks in the basement, research rooms, reading areas, multiple halls, and even a quaint café.

While students typically enjoy unrestricted access, the library also welcomes the public on weekends and holidays.

Additionally, in the game, this library serves as a date spot and a stage for community events.

“Oh, welcome, Ojou-San. What kind of book are you seeking today?”

The Central Library Director, Takamiya Haruka.

An elderly woman with spectacles, she has an aura that makes you think she could be a witch in a different game.

Not a bad witch, but a good one.

She is the master of this library and someone you will be associated with for a long time from the start of the game.

"I'm looking for this book."

"Where was that book again? You’re reading quite a nostalgic one, I see."

While thinking that she might prefer the latest series by this author, I told her the reason I was looking for this book.

My honest, true feelings, without any pretense.

“Yes. I came across it in the library previously and wished to read it once more.”

Although I thought it might be better to buy it if I wanted to keep it on hand, there’s something special about reading a book from the library.

Whether she understood this subtle feeling or not, Takamiya-sensei led me to the place where the book was without even looking at a map.

"I was contemplating relocating these books to the closed stacks, so I am pleased that someone had the opportunity to read them before this change was made."

Seeing Takamiya-sensei speak so passionately about the books, it was evident that she truly loves them.

Throughout the game, I have often thought how wonderful it would be if someone like her existed in real life.

"Every year, many books are published, and many books are put away. Books that are not read take a little rest to be read again someday. Surely, they’re waiting to meet someone who needs them."

It was natural for everyone to call this person a magician or a witch when she said things like this with a smile like that when speaking to even an elementary school student during the school’s facility tours.

Or rather, it's been over ten years since people started calling her that.

There's also information from senior students that her appearance hasn’t changed at all during that time, and whether she knows about this nickname or not, she carries herself in a manner that befits it, making her famous enough within the academy that mentioning "the witch of the library" brings her to mind.

In the game, due to her vast knowledge, she often appears as a guide for the protagonist, helping them understand what they lack and what they need to do.

"Here it is. The book you’re looking for is right here on this shelf. It's lovely, isn't it? A little lady has come to pick you up."

"Thank you very much."

I bowed my head and received the book.

Since I wanted to borrow it rather than read it here, I went to the counter with Takamiya-sensei.

"Learn many things. It will surely color your life beautifully. Both good things and bad things will become precious memories as time passes."

Takamiya-sensei’s era was when the values were starting to shift.

From a time when people said women shouldn’t pursue academics to a time when women started entering the workforce.

She was one of the pioneers of that era.

Born as the only daughter of the noble Takamiya, a Count family, she was decided to marry into an aristocratic family due to her beauty and talent, but she rebelled against the policy of her husband's family that "women should stay at home," got divorced, and returned to her family.

Just as she was about to be confined in disgrace for being sent back by her in-laws, the wartime came knocking on the door, and the shortage of male labor was dire.

Riding the government's propaganda to utilize her talent in society, she held various jobs and lastly came to this academy as a librarian during the period of high economic growth.

Reading the game’s setting materials, I once thought I wanted to become someone like her, but I also remember that I never managed to become like her.

By the way, after her first marriage, she never found another partner, and although her family fell into ruin, she continues to smile serenely in this library, probably because she is convinced that she has won against the times.

"So, you want to borrow it? I'll take your card then."

Another episode not to be forgotten about her is the lending card.

In the old days, borrowing and returning books were managed by the lending card in the book, and it was said that the name Takamiya Haruka was written on the lending card of every book in the library.

In other words, this person before me has read all the books in this vast library...

Just that alone justifies calling her a witch. Of course, I wouldn’t say that to her face.

There’s also a fun event where, as a library committee member, you can borrow a new book before Takamiya-sensei and see her get frustrated.

Of course, Takamiya Haruka’s name was properly written on the lending card of this book too.

And below that, the name “Keika-in Runa” was added.

"Yes. The return date is in a week. May this book become an irreplaceable part of your life."

Many people are captivated by the "witch of the library," who hands over books with a smile like this and visit the library quite frequently.

I’m probably one of those people too.

"Hmm? Runa. What are you reading?"

I didn’t feel like going home right away, so I was reading at Avanti when Eiichi-kun and the others found me, and it became a topic of conversation.

This is also part of the fun of books.

"I borrowed it from the library. It’s a book of riddles, I think?"

"Wow. So, the riddles are part of the story. Sounds interesting."

"Don't give away the answers!"

"I get it. But I’ve never heard this riddle before..."

Needless to say, Eiichi-kun and the others also borrowed this book later.

At that time, I was reading the next work of this writer.

Authors Note

【Takamiya-sensei’s Image】

The NHK drama "Haru yo, Koi." Although Matsutoya Yumi’s song of the same name is more famous, the turbulent life of the protagonist in this drama left quite an impression on me. Watching the morning drama, I realized that the Pacific War and the bubble economy collapse appear at the turning points of life because people’s lifespans have become longer.

【Library’s Image】

The University of Tokyo Yasuda Auditorium. Incidentally, the facilities inside are modeled after recent cultural complex facilities in cities and towns. By the way, how did the academy respond during the student movement? If I remember correctly, the only setting I created was that the university was separated from the other departments to avoid conflicts...

【The Book Runa Borrowed】

"Poppen-sensei no Nichiyoubi" (Dr. Poppen's Sunday) by Kazuhiko Funazaki, Chikuma Shobo 1973. If it were this series, I would recommend "Poppen-sensei to Kaerazu no Numa" (Dr. Poppen and the Marsh of No Return). I was shocked when I watched the anime and got hooked on the series by borrowing it from the library.

Translator Note

Well I was little under the weather that's why chapters are one day late sorry about that.

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