
The Jilted Duke's Daughter Marries an Ugly Country Noble, but Finds Happiness

Chapter 10

Despite exchanging countless kisses, the sense of happiness never fades. 

Instead, with each kiss, my joy deepens, and I find myself yearning for more.

It feels like I'm floating in a blissful, weightless state. I wish this moment could last forever.

Lost in these thoughts, a gentle feeling graces my back.


Why am I lying on the bed? Why is the ceiling above me?

Confused and disoriented, I noticed a large black shadow looming over me.

It was Leon, breathing heavily for some reason.

The happiness I had felt just moments ago evaporated, replaced by a surge of anxiety and bewilderment that gripped my entire being.

“A seizure?!”

Is he seeing me as an enemy soldier again, ready to kill me!? 

But the expected violence never comes.

Tentatively, I look at Leon’s face and see a kind, rational gaze. The slight redness in his eyes, however, is unnerving.

My muddled brain frantically pieces together information, arriving at one conclusion.

This is it—the act of consummating the marriage, as described in the erotic books I read during my Court Education*. [T/N - previously I used queenly education here but after researching a bit In the British Empire, the training and education provided to young women of noble or royal descent to prepare them for their roles as consorts or queens were often referred to as "court education" or "court training." This comprehensive education included etiquette, diplomacy, languages, and the duties expected of a noblewoman or queen. So I decided use this from now on]

It’s not a fear for my life that grips me now, but a different, more profound anxiety.

“Wait! Leon! Don’t rush!”

Such things should be done properly after marriage!

Some promiscuous noble ladies at the academy fooled around with slaves because they couldn't get pregnant with demi-human kids, but those were extreme exceptions.

If the daughter of a duke were to consummate the marriage before the wedding, it would cause a huge scandal.

Even if it's going to happen eventually, it can't be now!

“I can’t wait. It’s your fault for being too cute, Angie. Besides, if an engaged couple lives together, people will assume it’s happening.”

There might be people who think that way, but you’re still the lord!

“I’m at my limit. I’m going to lose it. Specifically, I feel like I’m going to explode.”


“I want all of you, Angie. But I don’t want you to hate me for forcing it. So you choose.”

Leon was always kind, always thinking of me.

I felt a bit relieved. With this, I could enter marriage with a pure body.

Yet, feeling sorry for making Leon endure, I decided to quickly discuss the wedding with the Redgrave family starting tomorrow.

As I thought about the upcoming procedures, I responded.

“Be gentle, I’m sorry.” 

…My emotions and body betrayed my reason and spirit.

Leon’s face drew closer. Ah, it’s no good. I have to find a way to escape.

As I desperately devised an escape plan and backed away, Leon’s face came closer.

I’m not someone who easily thinks, 'A kiss is okay.' I definitely shouldn't be that kind of person.

But Leon’s lips didn’t meet mine. They touched my ear.

“Angie, I love you.”

…No, I can’t refuse anymore. That one word melted my heart and all my reasons with it

I placed my left hand on Leon’s back and my right hand on his head, pulling him closer.

“Leon, I love you too.”

I had no more doubts.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※

A groan like that of a dying monster escaped my mouth. No, maybe I was already dead and just didn’t realize it.

My whole body ached. It was so painful I couldn’t even roll over. Though sleepy, the pain kept me awake. Even breathing was difficult.

Last night’s Intimacy was intense.

He was gentle but only at the beginning, especially when I winced in pain as my hymen broke.

But afterward, it felt like a rabbit being ravaged by a hungry wolf.

I recalled that the baron and his wife had five children.

If I'm pursued like that every night, no wonder they had so many kids!

I hope he takes it easy, at least until our territory's management is stable.

Then, Leon knocked and entered the room, holding a bowl of soup and a spoon.

“Are you alright, Angie? Where does it hurt?”

"My head, neck, shoulders, back, chest, stomach, groin, hips, hands, and feet all hurt…”

“In other words, everywhere.”

Leon helped me sit up. Even moving on the bed was a heavy task.

"It's more of an early lunch than breakfast, but I thought you could manage some stew."

Looking closely, I saw that the stew was filled with various vegetables and meat. If he cared this much, he could have been gentler with me last night.

"I'm in too much pain to move. Please feed me."

When I opened my mouth, Leon scooped some stew with a spoon, cooled it down, and fed it to me. The affectionate "ahh" felt more like patient care.

There was no trace of the sweet and sour romance between lovers.

After finishing the stew and drinking the tea Leon made, the numbness in my body finally started to fade.

I slowly sat up and perched on the edge of the bed, with Leon sitting beside me.

"So, how was it?"

"It felt amazing."

I grabbed a pillow and hit Leon repeatedly. My strength hadn't fully returned, so it didn't cause much damage.

"That's not what I meant. I want to know how you felt about my true feelings."

"Oh, that."

Leon grumbled while looking at my face.

"I understand now that you love me. I love you too, Angie. So I naturaly I want you to be my wife."

"Yes, just hearing that makes me happy."

I was truly glad that Leon and I were connected by heart. With this bond, I could overcome any obstacle.

"I have one request."

"If it's something I can do."

Leon answered, and I made a somewhat demanding request.

"I’m a very difficult woman. So I need words of love that truly reach my heart. Words that will make me happy just remembering them, words I can recall at my deathbed and think I had a good life."

Leon racked his brain, thinking hard.

Eventually, he knelt before me, took my hand, and bowed gracefully like a vassal to his master.

"Lady Angelica Rapha Redgrave, I pledge to love you for eternity. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, your devoted Leon Fou Bartfault?"

I knew I would never forget this scene.

Even if the world changed, I would meet him again and fall in love.

With a beaming smile, I accepted his proposal.

"Yes, I humbly accept."

Thus, I became Angelica Fou Bartfault.


Authors Note


The "morning after" is a staple in stories for women. Don’t you agree?

And so, this story concludes.

I might add more chapters if there's a second season of the anime.

I started writing this because I’d been reading Mobseka since before the anime aired.

I like villainess stories and tend to read newly published women’s fiction, but I noticed there were many stories about avoiding condemnation or getting revenge, but few about repentant villainesses.

In Mobseka’s bonus story, "The Banished Wicked Noble Lady Angelica Marries a Country Noble."

In the Mobseka anime, "Angelica’s husband looks a lot like Leon."

On a certain forum (https://bbs.animanch.com/board/1445264/?res=175), my comment imagining "Mob Leon and Ange’s married life" was well-received.

There are many Mobseka fanfics, but few focus on the original characters’ romances, so I thought, "Why not write one myself?"

Though I’d been posting original works on other sites, it had been almost ten years since my last fanfic.

Despite the struggle to stay true to the original, I had fun writing it.

If you enjoyed my humble writing, that’s the greatest joy for me.

Thank you for sticking with me until the end.

Postscript: I was surprised to find that the final scene of my story had been illustrated by Shiki on Pixiv.

I was casually browsing Mobseka illustrations and thought, "This scene looks like mine... I must be imagining things," only to realize it was indeed based on my story.

It’s amazing how popular the original work is, reaching even overseas.

This was a first for me, and I was truly astonished.


Further postscript: I posted the explicit scene from this story (-). If you’re interested, please check it out.

Raw- Link


Translator Note


After my friend pointed out I checked I never mentioned that this works includes illustration ( I humbly apologize for such overlook). As you can see I never included in my translation for obvious reasons. So I will mention every chapter where a illustration is  from now on . Just click on raw link in the end of authors note and will see it.

And  next chapter will be R19 REJOICE MY FELLOW DEGENERATES 

Tomorrow will not be any update as I will be coming back from my wingman duty. Traveling is hard . 


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