
The Peril of the Duke's Daughter

Chapter 4

Two months have passed since I arrived in the Bartfault territory.

Contrary to the aimless life in the capital, with Leon by my side I now feel a sense of determination, knowing that the fate of this land rests on our decisions.

Welcomed with a blank canvas and a fine-tipped brush, I felt a childlike anticipation. Renting a room in one of the newly refurbished manor houses, I commenced my evaluation of Bartfault's economic state.

I expected some kind of reluctance when I, suddenly appeared central Aristocratic girl, requested access to the account books from them but he readily handed them over. However, although I didn't find any shady dealings like double-bookkeeping* or tax evasion, I couldn't help but grimace at the lack of crisis management awareness among the Bartfault family members.

[T/N- "Double-bookkeeping" refers to the practice of keeping two sets of financial records: one set that accurately reflects the true financial transactions of a business or individual, and another set that misrepresents those transactions, often for fraudulent or illegal purposes. This practice is typically used to conceal income or assets, evade taxes, or engage in other illegal activities. Essentially, it involves maintaining two sets of books, one of which is used to deceive auditors, tax authorities, or other stakeholders.- from wiki]

After spending several days poring over documents and engaging in discussions with the baron and Leon's brothers who oversee practical matters, it became apparent that it's not just few but everything was lacking.

There was a shortage of manpower, resources, and funds—shortages and shortages everywere eyes could see.

This would undoubtedly cause Leon considerable distress.

While it's possible to obtain a loan from the Redgrave family through me, but if we were to present a reckless development plan, my father would break off the engagement arrangements without a second thought and take me back to the capital.

As I continued to scrutinize maps and documents, I stumbled upon something interesting: a rare hot water spring on one of the floating islands in the Bartfault territory.

If properly utilized, this could be one of the solutions to the current predicament. With that in mind, I promptly consulted Leon.

However, upon hearing my proposal, Leon wore a troubled expression.

Since settling in this Island, Leon had also been cognizant of the presence of the hot spring and had endeavored to harness its potential. However, despite employing various methodologies in their attempts, the inexperienced endeavors of the inhabitants invariably led to disappointment. At most, they succeeded only in establishing a modest hot spring for the enjoyment of the local populace.

This failure had contributed to Leon reluctant attitude towards redevelopment.

Moreover, with the current shortage of people and resources, redevelopment seemed like a distant dream to him.

In response to his musings, I couldn't help but smile.

Though inexperienced, Leon had already arrived at the same conclusion as me. He was by no means a foolish man. It was just that he lacked experience in development endeavours, which led to his failures. Failure is not defeat but merely a necessary step towards success.

"Saying 'it's impossible because we lack people and resources' actually means 'it's possible if we can procure the necessary manpower and resources.' right? "

And with Redgrave family as the connections , it was a easy job to procure funds.

When I informed Leon of this fact, he looked at me with distrusts but began considering the resumption of the development plan.

While prioritizing the development of a hot spring facility, we aimed to avoid impeding the progress of the territory. After all, even with the construction of a hot spring facility, there would be no guarantee of sustained profits. The true objective was to stimulate a flow of manpower, funds, resources, and information.

Self-sufficient existences lacks dynamism so it always will be insufficiently developed, Eroding over time mirroring stagnant water. However, if we can connect with other lands, it becomes possible to generate the flow and hopefully profits through supply and demand.

In the extreme, ensuring awareness of the Bartfault territory domestically would be preferable.

However, we cannot afford to cut corners in development; we both have experienced firsthand that bad reputation outweighs good reputation.

Based on the report from the geological surveyors dispatched by the Redgrave family, confirming that the hot spring's components, temperature, and volume are suitable for bathing and can be used as recuperative facilities, we immediately began drafting a development plan.

Since the lord of the territory, Leon's consent is required for the project, I explained it to him step by step. Through this process, I realized that he was a more exceptional person than I had expected.

After all, being a military commander requires more than just brute strength. It demands a comprehensive range of abilities, such as reading comprehension to understand orders accurately, computational skills to estimate the consumption of provisions, and persuasive skills to maintain morale in the field.

If he had been born into a wealthy family, he would have surely made a name for himself as an outstanding student in the academy.

It's frustrating to think that the kingdom's system of not being able to discover such talented individuals has led to it's the current plight.

After making numerous revisions, I submitted the completed plan to my father, and a contract guaranteeing funding for development and the dispatch of personnel to the Bartfault territory was sent in return.

After perusing the terms, Leon sarcastically remarked, ''So, it seems the Bartfault family and us are now the Redgrave family's lapdogs.'' However, the unsecured loan, with its nearly nonexistent interest rate and indefinite repayment period, served as clear evidence of Father's high expectations for Leon. With that in mind, I hoped he would persevere through it."

In addition to gathering necessary personnel from the Redgrave family, I also requested the process of settlers, aiming to increase the Bartfault territory's population. I would do everything possible to explore any potential it might have.

As a final move, I applied for tax relief on the Bartfault territory's taxes from the Haulfault Kingdom and requested government subsidies for the development of the hot springs, emphasizing their use for recuperative facilities.

The kingdom understood that immediate income could not be generated even if the territory was sold off. Moreover, the Bartfault family, with its recently acquired title and territory, would be even more hesitant to ay taxes for nothing. The kingdom would want to avoid forcing them to pay, which could lead to rebellion.

The financial situation of the Bartfault territory was sufficient to meet the conditions for tax relief. Furthermore, by reporting that the development of the hot springs was intended for the recuperation of wounded soldiers, I presented the argument that it should be eligible for government subsidies as a national project.

Dismissing soldiers without any guarantee of livelihood after the war would not be permitted. If injured soldiers turned to piracy due to losing their means of survival, it would worsen public security and damage the kingdom's reputation.

Many soldiers were wounded in the war with the Fanose Duchy, and the kingdom faced financial difficulties in providing for their livelihoods. However, this situation could not be any more excellent to develop the Bartfault territory.

By widely publicizing that the Bartfault territory's recuperative facilities were for wounded soldiers and putting the Royal Family in a position where they have the opportunity to show their good faith towards the brave soldiers, the kingdom would have no choice but to agree, as it would be now desperately seeking to gain popularity.

Such applications are usually rejected if they fail to pass through the complicated procedures and multiple scrutiny of Royal court. However, having received education to become a queen, I understood everything about what to do and how to do it.

The Horfart Royal family will come to understand that discarding me was their greatest blunder.

Leon, seeing me eagerly preparing the application, remarked, "Scary....Scary woman..." 

I surely wouldn't understand why he said such a thing.

Though there was much to do, tackling each task one by one was both exhilarating and fulfilling.

As the sun began to tilt and only few hours away from dusk, I walked along the exposed dirt road leading to the separate residence.

Lately, my schedule has revolved around handling administrative tasks related to spearheading the

development within the Bartfault territory at the mansion from morning to early afternoon, followed by visiting Leon's separate residence in the evening to report on progress.

The baron and Leon's brothers were overjoyed as daunting administrative tasks were being completed quickly. 

'Well, let's hire proper clerks, shall we?'

While discussing fine-tuning with Leon, I utilized the latest books obtained from the capital to enhance his abilities as a Regional lord.

Every day, I would discuss and identify problems during our meetings, then handle them the next day.

Drinking the tea Leon brewed during our discussions was a nice break.

Today, in addition to the bag for storing documents, I brought a basket containing pastries cooked by the baroness.I too helped...a little, anyway if they're slightly deformed, it adds character, so I hope I won't be questioned about my skill.

After knocking a few times at the door, usually Leon would greet me, but today, the door remained closed.

Suspicious, I turned the knob, and the door opened easily as it wasn't locked.

Entering the separate residence cautiously, it felt strangely quiet.

"What happened?" I wondered, and as I stepped into the living room, my vision shifted upside-down.

Immediately after forcefully being slammed to the floor, I was restrained with immense strength.

I couldn't move my body, as something hard pressed against my neck and lower back.

This wasn't just brute force; it was systematic technique.

Writhing in pain, I stared at the figure attacking me.


The one attacking me was Leon.


Confused by the sudden turn of events, the pressure restraining me only increased.

Leon's left elbow was firmly placed on my lower back, pinning me to the floor, while his right hand tightened around my throat.

His rough fingers constricted my blood vessels and airway, causing my consciousness to blur.

"I'm going to be killed...!!"

Terrified by the sudden onslaught of death, I struggled frantically.

Desperately grabbing something, I fiercely struck Leon's head with it.

It was the basket, the basket containing the pastries.

The impact of the blow caused Leon to release me, as he recoiled from the impact.

Gasping for air, he struggled to breathe.

Scattered pastries filled the air with an incongruously sweet fragrance.

As my breathing stabilized, I realized I had forgotten about Leon's presence.

Looking around frantically, I saw Leon lying on the floor.

Rushing over, I checked his breathing, placing a hand on his mouth.

Though he was breathing, his body continued to tremble.

Was it the impact to his head? Despite the emergency, I panicked, unsure of what to do.

"Hey! Leon! Are you okay!?"

Desperately calling out, he stirred, groaning.


His weak voice pointed towards the cupboard.

Quickly opening it, I found several bottles of pills inside.

Not knowing which one to take, I grabbed them all.

His vacant gaze focused on one, so I opened it and handed it to him.

Taking a few pills, he chewed them.

Slowly crawling towards the study, Leon leaned on me for support as we walked.

The short distance felt unbearably long.

Laying Leon down on the bed, I went to the kitchen, wet a towel, and placed it on his head.

Next, I boiled water while roughly tidying up the messy room.

I poured tea leaves and hot water into a pot simultaneously, ignoring the temperature or quantity.

Then, I transferred the brewed tea to a cup and added sugar.

Sweetness has always been known to soothe the soul. I added a mountain of sugar to help Leon calm down quickly.

[T/N- Do not do it in real life although sugar have properties that can be health beneficiary, excessive amount can very well have exact opposite results]

Returning to the study, I found Leon looking slightly calmer, albeit apologetic.

Handing him the cup, he gave me a puzzled look after taking a sip.

"This is too sweet. It ruins the aroma of the tea."

If he had enough energy to complain, then he must be fine.

"I'm sorry, you should probably go home for today."

As he said that, I placed several bottles of pills in front of Leon.

Antidepressants, sleeping pills, sedatives, painkillers.

"What are these?"

Each of these drugs could potentially kill if taken in the wrong dosage. They should always be prescribed by a doctor.

Yet, several bottles were stored in the cupboard.

"These have nothing to do with you, Angelica."

"They do. Knowing the condition of my business partner is also an important factor in our dealings."

Leon glared at me with anger in his eyes.

Remembering the events from earlier, I struggled to control my trembling body as I glared back.

"Leave me alone. I don't intend to cause any more trouble."

"I won't leave until you give me a proper answer."

"Just go already!!"

Leon yelled loudly, but soon collapsed as if exhausted.

"Please, just go..." His weak plea sounded unlike a human being.

"I'll leave quietly today if you promise to tell me the truth."

Eventually, he seemed to resign himself, offering me the empty cup.

"Next time, make it properly. It's not going to be a pleasant conversation, and it might take a while."

"Got it."

With that, I headed back to the kitchen to boil water again.


Authors Note


AngeIica was attacked by Leon!!

-> Hit him (Enter the survival route)

   Do nothing (Death END)

Suddenly, a hardcore otome game option attacks Angelica! This version of Angelica seems to hold a grudge for being dumped from her engagement. Although the Duke's family supported her, her strong-mindedness leads her towards revenge. In the original story, Leon became a noble by presenting the discovered floating island, but in this work, the floating island was discovered by the kingdom and given as a reward, reversing the cause and effect. In the original, the development was light, and he quickly entered the academy, so I wanted to express the hardships of development and the hassgdle of paperwork. Angelica is too capable, but she's a high-spec lady who received princess education, so let's forgive her.

Note: The client (公) has kindly provided illustrations for this chapter. Thank you very much.



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