
The Reason My hair is Blonde Cause and effect Part-2

 Chapter 25

Upon arriving at Takeshiba Pier, I, along with Tachibana, got into the prepared limousine.

In front and behind the limousine were two Mercedes each.

Moreover, undercover police cars were on standby outside.

"It's turned into quite a big deal. So, who this gentlemen might this be?"

The plainclothes officer who got into the limousine showed his police badge and introduced himself. His smile was truly suspicious.

"My name is Shouichi Maefuji from the Foreign Affairs Division of the Public Security Bureau of the Metropolitan Police Department. I am here to provide protection for you, young lady, and to explain the situation."

"Oh my .Is this a case involving the notorious Special Higher Police? What on earth have I done?"

During the defeat, one of the governmental organizations that suffered a devastating blow, along with the army and navy, was the Ministry of Home Affairs, which was at the top of the bureaucratic organization.

When the ministries were dismantled after the war, the Ministry of Home Affairs too was disbanded, and one of the organizations that changed its name when the police reorganization was transferred to the Cabinet Office was the Special Higher Police, now called the Public Security Bureau.

Incidentally, the Ministry of Finance came to dominate the bureaucratic organization after the Ministry of Home Affairs was dismantled.

"It's not that you've done anything, Miss, but there seem to be people in the world who believe you have. Actually The 'Moonlight Fund' you own is being targeted."

Inspector Shouichi Maefuji explained that the Russian economy is struggling due to the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis. While I was aware of this, I still don't fully understand how it connects to me & Russia in same thread.

"Excuse me, but do you know about your own birth your origin, young lady ?"

"Inspector Maefuji."

Tachibana tried to admonish him, but I stopped him with my hand. Then I looked Inspector Shouichi Maefuji in the eye and spoke.

"I am well aware that my parents had connections with the Eastern axis in the past.With that in mind, could you please explain how this matter is connected?"

Apparently, Inspector Shouichi Maefuji was a little surprised by my manner of speaking, which was uncharacteristic for a grade schooler. 

His contrived smile disappeared, replaced by a serious expression.

"Indeed. As one would expect from a noble family, your education must be exceptional, Young Lady. Very well, I'll lay out all the cards I can. Are you aware that your grandmother has Russian noble blood?"

When I nodded, Inspector Shouichi Maefuji looked away momentarily, gazing out the car window as he continued.

"From the documents we've obtained from Northern Japan, we have learned that your mother was also originally a high-ranking Russian noble. This means, Young Lady, that you have a bloodline that allows you to claim the inheritance rights of a certain family."

Oh no. A really unpleasant thought came to mind. This is a trope straight out of old romance novels.So, I voiced it.

"Are you talking about the Romanov family?

I've heard rumors, but nothing concrete.Russia believes that the 'Moonlight Fund' is financed by the Romanov family's treasure, doesn't it?"

It's said that the Swiss private funds still hold the hidden assets of the Russian emperor as a contingency. There's even a dubious story that these undisclosed treasures helped Switzerland establish its financial stronghold.

I was born in Japan during the collapse of the Eastern Axis, which started in Berlin in '89.

[T/N- Fall of Berlin ]

I see. The Soviet Union at the time was desperate enough to latch onto such dubious stories, not just spying on Japanese technology.

"Russia began showing strange movements after the news about the Sakata City's industrial complex came out. That land has a history.When we paid attention to it, this news surfaced.

Naturally, they would act on it, wouldn't they?"

"Isn't it a bit too fast for that? The news just broke today, didn't it?"

In response to my honest question, Inspector Shouichi Maefuji explained the reason.

At the very least, he didn't treat me like a child.

"By the time such news breaks, more than half of the plans are already drawn up. The industrial complex in Sakata City won't be profitable unless it uses natural gas or oil from Sakhalin or Russia.

From there, they traced things back to your name, Young Lady."

Inspector Shouichi Maefuji laughed pretty robustly. Realising his blander, he quickly tightened his expression and continued speaking.

"Given Russia's current economic deterioration and rumored political instability, the blood running through your veins suddenly holds special significance. Whether for financial gain or to boost their reputation, they have their motives. While we don't yet know the specifics yet, these are the angles we're considering."

"I understand the situation. What do you expect of me then?"

Inspector Shouichi Maefuji smiled at my question. His smile sent a chill down my spine.

"Nothing. You, Young Lady, are someone who are meant to be protected. As long as you are aware of that, the rest is the work of adults."

I pretended not to notice the things Inspector Shouichi Maefuji intentionally concealed.

The possibility that those unsavory groups are being supported by the Russian government. Or even better that the Russian government is leading this effort.

"RUNAA. Were you okay?"

From the executive office of Keika-in Pharmaceuticals' headquarters, overlooking Hibiya Park, I find myself enveloped in my older brother Nakamaro’s arms. His embrace is firm, almost to the point of being painful.

[T/N- from this we can know the Keika-in Pharmaceuticals is in Chiyoda district of Tokyo]

"Nakamaro-oniisama, I'm fine. Please don't worry."

"Ah, I'm sorry. Thank you for your efforts, Inspector Maefuji."

It's unclear whether Nakamaro-oniisama's concern is for me, the blood that flows through my veins, or the wealth I possess. However, if I start viewing people in such a suspicious light, I'll undoubtedly spiral into paranoia. For the sake of my mental health, I'll assume he's worried about me as a child. When I pull away from Nakamaro-oniisama, I see Ichijou and Toudou-san. Given the current situation, it's necessary to explain things to my brother to some extent. So, Tachibana, Ichijou, and Toudou-san begin briefing Nakamaro-oniisama and Inspector Shoichi Maefuji.

"The Moonlight Fund is managed using stocks of IT companies in Japan and the US, with the funds held in a Swiss private bank. The inadvertent connection to the Russian Empire's treasure is one of the causes of this incident," explains Ichijou.

To add to Ichijo's explanation, trust in a private bank is synonymous with tradition. So When choosing a reliable private bank, it inevitably led to a bank that existed during the Russian Empire.

"As Russia's economy deteriorated, attention began to focus on this. While the establishment of the Moonlight Fund is relatively recent, the economic downturn seems to have stripped away any pretense," adds Toudou-san, who had experience in an information agency at a trading company.

The Asian financial crisis was ongoing, and its effects had spread to Russia. Asia's growth was driving up resource prices, benefiting Russia, which exported oil and natural gas. When Asia's growth was hit by the financial crisis, the high prices of resources collapsed, impacting Russia's economy. By this time, the global economy was interconnected, and people of that era didn't fully understand where the next crisis might erupt.

"In Russia, the economic decline has led to unpaid wages, sparking strikes among coal miners," says Toudou-san nonchalantly, sending a chill down my spine. Unpaid wages indicate a company on the brink of bankruptcy, and this can lead to national collapse, which is why economic crises are so frightening.

"I see. The background is becoming clearer. The shady characters targeting us are likely connected to those who once gathered laborers for coal mines," Nakamaro-oniisama speculates.

The Soviet Union, the bastion of socialism, collapsed due to its planned economy, and the mafia, who controlled the black market, emerged as part of the new economic elite. It's similar to the chaos Japan experienced post-war. Our Keika-in family also rose to nobility amidst such turmoil. Tachibana recalls nostalgically, having lived through the post-war economic boom. People tend to see the present but often overlook the past recorded in others.

"Still, involving the embassy seems quite elaborate," comments Nakamaro-oniisama.

Toudou-san responds, indicating the seriousness of the situation. "It means someone with substantial resources is behind this. Despite the considerable money at their disposal, it's likely still insufficient."

A brief silence follows. After a slight cough, Inspector Maefuji Shouichi announces his intentions.

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but we request permission for the Protection Section 5 to stay close to Young Lady for some time. The Foreign Affairs Division of the Public Security Bureau will dedicate itself to resolving this matter."

Protection Section 5 is the shield, and the Foreign Affairs Division is the spear, with the latter overseeing the entire operation. I couldn't help but interject.

"How do you define resolving this matter? The other side has already involved embassy car numbers, right?"

Public Security's swift response implies they had this information well in advance. Unaware of my thoughts, Inspector Maefuji Shouichi calmly outlines the resolution.

"Our goal is to ensure no one loiters around you, Young Lady. Beyond that, it becomes a diplomatic issue."

The door opens quietly, and Katsura Naoyuki , who now works under Ichijou, hands a memo to him. Without changing his expression, Ichijou shows the memo to Tachibana and Toudou-san.

"Miss, may I?" Tachibana, who usually refrains from interjecting, hands me the memo. Reading it, I freeze. I knew this would happen, but the timing couldn't be worse.

"Runa, what's wrong?" 

I hand the memo to Nakamaro-oniisama, who turns pale after reading it. If he had listened to the earlier explanation, he'd understand this memo signifies the ignition of the fuse to Russia's economic explosion. Following the Asian financial crisis is the Russian financial crisis. This crisis hinges on whether funds can be secured to support the currency. The Moonlight Fund has substantial latent profits from high-tech companies, which is why Tachibana handed us this memo.

"May I see the memo?" asks Inspector Maefuji Shouichi, piqued by our reactions. Nakamaro-oniisama hands it over, and the memo that changed our expressions reads:

"From Bangkok:

The Thai government has switched to a floating exchange rate system.

Currency crash spreading to other Asian countries."


Author's Note


Foreign Affairs Division:

A division within Japan's Public Security Police that investigates foreign intelligence activities and international terrorism. The involvement after the war was subtle, leaving the anti-espionage laws intact.

Floating Exchange Rate System:

A system where currency values fluctuate based on supply and demand, as opposed to a fixed exchange rate system.

Asian Financial Crisis:

Hedge funds aimed to profit by forcing countries with fixed exchange rates to switch to floating ones, causing currency crashes. Countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea were victims, and emboldened hedge funds targeted others for similar gains.

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