
The Reason My hair is Blonde Cause and effect Part-4

Chapter 27

When I woke up, I found myself bound and confined in a dark place.

It felt like a pretty big box, ..... maybe?

It's a bit late to notice, but my body isn't shaking with fear... it must be because of some drug making me unable to move.

I can't speak or see because I'm blindfolded and gagged.The bodyguards who were with me are nowhere to be seen.

Suppressing my fear, I continue to think.

One thing is clear: this is a inside Job.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to abduct me so cleanly.The next thing is that they need me alive. If they were only targeting the Moonlight Fund, my presence would actually be a hindrance.

If I, the holder, were to die, the fund would be distributed to the Keika-in family.

The fact that they haven't done that and have captured me instead means there's only one reason: the Romanov family's treasure.

A legend I’ve never made use of is ensuring my survival.I also notice something else.

The engine noise and vibrations.

Most likely, I'm still on the "Actress."

This means there is still a chance of rescue.

At the same time, my search must be conducted in secret.

If the situation is exposed, both the Keika-in group and Minister Izumikawa, who hosted the party, would suffer political damage.

This closed environment of a cruise ship has created this situation.

"I'm sorry. I feel sick and need some seasickness medicine."


That voice belongs to Eiichi-kun.

"Me too."

"Same here."

I hear the voices of Yujiro-kun and Mitsuya-kun as well, and I feel relieved that the three of them are not captured.

So, am I being held in the infirmary?

I have to somehow make contact with them.

I try to move my body, but I'm tied up so tightly that it's difficult to even make a sound.

"Please be as quiet as possible. There’s someone resting in bed here."

That must be the doctor of the infirmary.

As the three fall silent at his warning, I hear Yujiro-kun's voice.

"By the way, do you know where Ms. Keika-in is? She hasn't returned from the restroom."

"There are various reasons why a woman might be delayed. If you wait in the hall, she'll surely come back."

"I see. But being a doctor must be tough, having to stay in the infirmary for a sudden patient like this."

The doctor chuckles at Eiichi-kun's words.

"It's my job. Here you go, the seasickness medicine."

I hear a small thud, like something being dropped.

Maybe he threw away some trash?

"Thank you. This place looks like it used to be a storeroom. The nameplate is still there. It seems like they hastily placed the bed and medicine cabinet here."

"Because I was urgently called in for this party.

I'm the personal doctor for the Keika-in Group."

I see. So I'm locked in a warehouse. The issue is, where in the warehouse exactly is?

"Thank you for the medicine. I'll leave the glass here. By the way, how long do we have to stay on this ship?"

In response to Mitsuya's question, the doctor replies after the sound of some paper rustling.

"The party will end in an hour, so just hang in there a little longer."

"Oh. That's not right. My father wants to enjoy the cruise a bit longer, so it will be extended by two or three hours. He told the captain, so we need the seasickness medicine before it gets too bad."

Yūjirō, the host, easily corrects the doctor's words. After the sound of someone drinking something, I hear a door opening in the distance.

"Thank you very much. Good luck with your work, doctor."

The door closes after Eichi's voice. The conversation that followed was shocking.

"What are we going to do? If they keep searching for another two or three hours, we won't be able to hide it!"

A female guard's voice. I see. The informants were her and the doctor.

"Calm down. In case of emergency, a small boat is ready and waiting. If it comes to that, we can just hand her over to them."

Will I be rescued before that? Or, what will happen to me after I get on that small boat? My fear keeps growing. Just then, I heard a hissing sound.


[T/N- 煙がっ!, this is the real word I don't know what kind of intention author has with this , so I just typed the first word Google suggested]

[P/R- I too am confused with this so can't make any changes]

"Don't move! Police! You are under arrest for kidnapping and other charges!"

That voice was Inspector Maefuji Shouichi . There was a lot of noise, so his subordinates from the public security must have subdued them.

"We found it! A floor storage compartment under the bed!"

With the sound of it being opened, light reached me through my blindfold.

"We found her! The young lady is safe!"

When my restraints were removed and my vision cleared, I saw the three figures. At that moment, relief and tears filled my eyes.

"I deeply apologize for putting you in such danger..."

Inspector Maefuji Shouichi apologized, but it seems he had already suspected the doctor as a suspect from the moment I was captured. Though he was the Keika-in families personal doctor, he was from a branch family that had accumulated significant debt due to a failed business venture. The female guard had been caught in a honey trap, and it turned out that there were people working within the Keika-in family as well. In the case of my kidnapping, the guard who always accompanied me was the most suspicious. When they checked the ship’s layout, they found a floor storage compartment under the infirmary bed where the injured guard was resting, confirming their suspicions.

"I understand, but why did the three of you come into the infirmary? Wasn't it dangerous?"

"It wasn't dangerous."

Eichi replied confidently to my question, his manner reminded me of his future self.

"If they were aiming for the Romanov family's treasure, they would avoid the risk of targeting us here. For us, having them hold you hostage and barricading themselves in would have been more troublesome."

Next, Yūjirō spoke with a reassuring smile, his tone too also reminiscent of his future self.

"So, we offered our cooperation. To leave a bug to capture their conversation as evidence and a small smoke device to give us an advantage when the time came."

[T/N- now it's clear out there was really smoke, I was stressing over nothing]

Finally, Mitsuya concluded, using the assertive tone I knew well from his future self.

"While controlling the conversation and diverting their attention, we placed the bug in the trash can and the small smoke device in the back of the shelf where the glass was. When the guard was sleeping on the bed with the curtain dividing us, the game was over."

As the three of them proudly boasted about their achievements and the fact that they volunteered to be decoys despite the danger, my heart thudded loudly.

[T/N- No it shouldn't lady you weree a full grown adult last life remember??????]


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