
The Sinister Rural Lord and the Malevolent Lady: Part Two

Chapter 13.2

"I'm really really sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry."

You can say whatever you want with words, but what I want isn't an apology.

"It's been a while, so I kind of misjudged things."

Aren't you always making excuses like that?

"Angie's private parts are still as beautifully pink as when she was a virgin. I guarantee it."

"If you say that again, I'll kick you off the floating island without a safety line. Go give the Earth a passionate kiss."

He finally started muttering things that I couldn't tell whether they were compliments or sexual harassment.

The words were so lacking in decency that they couldn't even be considered compliments.

Leon put me on his lap and hugged me from behind.

The penis that had been so vigorous was now so limp it was unrecognizable. The male organ truly is a traitor, revealing the owner's state of mind.

I deliberately turned my face away from Leon, who was desperately trying to appease me. Though, since I was being hugged and heavily pregnant, all I could do was turn my face.

"Leon, do you enjoy humiliating me?"

"I just can't help but tease the girl I like."

"You're going to be a father soon, so cut it out."

Our quarrels usually end with him making me angry and then apologizing profusely.

Leon has the bad habit of saying unnecessary things, which needs to be corrected immediately if he's to serve as a lord.

I also have the flaw of not being able to control my emotions well when I get angry, so I'd like to fix that while we still complement each other.

"Angie, you're so composed that I just want to see different expressions on your face."

"...Do I really show so such blank usually?"

I am well aware of the rumors that the true ruler of the Bartfault domain is the duchy princess who married into the family.

In reality, it is true that my presence has brought various conveniences from the Redgrave family.

However, being treated as the ruler or the lady of the domain feels quite uncomfortable.

The thought that the reputation of being a wicked woman will follow me for the rest of my life is somewhat burdensome.

“Only I need to know Angie’s cute side.”

With those words, Leon tightened his arms around me.

“I get annoyed when Angie is friendly with other men.”

“I’m only devoted to you, Leon.”

“It still bothers me.”

Such a childishly troublesome possessiveness.

He lacks any dignity as a lord, but thinking of this as Leon’s true self makes him endearing.

“I thought my love for you was already clear to you.”

“Then, say it in words.”

Leon slowly caressed my belly.

What does that mean?

It’s nothing but proof of our love , the child, who can be called our love’s fruit.

“Talking about how in love we are is going to be ?”

“I think if we’re happy, the child will be happy too.”

“Too much pampering is not good. Leon, you’re already overly involved.”

Ever since my pregnancy was confirmed, Leon has often stroked my belly and talked to it.

That in itself is good. It should be good, but having a husband who eagerly talks to my belly in baby talk whenever he has time makes me, as a wife, feel exasperated.

Right after I got pregnant, I felt anxious and depended on Leon.

Even so, as time passed, I found myself acting cold towards Leon, who seemed to love our child more than me. Is this just a woman’s nature, or am I simply jealous?

“Come on, tell me how much you love me.”

Leon whispered while kissing my neck.

The comfort of it made the spot where his lips touched throb as if it had heated up.

But seeing through Leon’s intent to melt me with pleasure was irritating.

“Our child, your father is a sex-crazed pervert who seduced even me, a Duchy Princess.”

“Isn’t that harsh?”

“He likes big breasts, wants to impregnate his wife, and gets aroused by a pregnant woman. He’s a genuine sexual deviant, so don’t take after him.”

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me for earlier.”

Leon’s hands finally stopped caressing me.

Leon has a habit of persistently teasing me in bed.

He touches me with such caution and care as if handling a valuable porcelain, which is quite troublesome.

I’m also to blame for not being able to refuse him.

“Well then, it’s your turn, Leon. Put into words how much you love me.”

I twisted my face to look at Leon. His face was slightly red, probably from embarrassment.

“Uh, well, Daddy got engaged to Mommy for political reasons. Honestly, I didn’t think we’d end up getting married.”

It seems he’s going to start from how we met. What a dutiful husband.

“I was surprised when we first met. I didn’t know such a beautiful girl could exist.”

“I didn’t think I dressed that flashy, though.”

“But I was scared. I couldn’t tell if you were angry with me or with something else.”

“I’ve been like that since my engagement was broken off. But I was scared of you too, Leon.”

“Really? I thought you were a courageous lady.”

Looking back, neither of us had a good first impression of the other.

It’s strange how our relationship evolved through twists and turns into one of love.

“When did you start liking me, Leon?”

“I don’t remember exactly. But I think it was after we started living together.”

“I was pretty pushy about us living together before marriage. Two fiancés living under one roof.”

“Angie was cute when you were flustered because you weren’t good at housework.”

“…Is that why you fell for me?”

“I felt relieved to know you weren’t just an arrogant but perfect lady, that you had things you weren’t good at too.”

“Was I really that arrogant?”

It hasn’t even been two years since I met Leon. How terrible was I before?

“I gradually started liking you, but I always thought you’d leave someday.”

“Even though we were engaged?”

“As a viscount, I had to follow any command from the ducal family. I thought they engaged me to a daughter with a bad reputation to draw me into their faction.”

“Father and the others didn’t think this engagement would work from the start.”

“So, I thought it would be annulled once they no longer needed me. Even my family thought you were too good for me, and I felt the same.”

“…I’m sorry about that.”

“For what?”

“Before we met, I intended to use you. I thought of you as a stepping stone for my revenge.”

“It’s fine. I forgave you a long time ago.”

Thinking back, my motives were far from praiseworthy.

I’m angry at my own foolishness. If I could go back in time, I’d punch my past self.

“I, on the other hand, held you in high regard, Leon.”


“Not just for your military achievements but also for your efforts to fulfill your duties as a lord. Simple upstarts tend to become corrupt.”

“Despite that, I feel like I’m always getting scolded.”

“That’s because you keep complaining and have too low self-esteem.”

Though he is highly capable, his habit of underestimating himself and stifling his own talent is his bad trait.

As a result, I end up having to push him, but I never intend to dominate Leon.

"Well, that's why I'm really happy you married me. Thank you, Angie."

Leon shyly expresses his gratitude. I, too, feel a bit embarrassed, but not unpleasantly so.

If our unborn child could understand our words, they would probably be exasperated by their parents' lovey-dovey exchange.

"Well then, it's your turn next, Angie."

"I already said it, didn't I?"

"You just said bad things. I made sure to say 'I love you.'"

With that, Leon begins to caress me. 

It is not the affectionate touch shared between husband and wife, but a caress that stimulates the primal instincts of a male and female.

As his hands fondle my breasts, which have grown larger and firmer since pregnancy, my nipples become moist and milk begins to squirt out.

Something hot presses against my groin. From the familiar sensation, I know it is Leon's penis.

It rubs against my clitoris and the entrance to my vagina, hidden from view by my swollen belly, which makes the act feel even more indecent.

I cover my mouth with both hands to stifle the moans of pleasure escaping from me. At this moment, I can do nothing but writhe atop Leon.

Seizing the moment I covered my mouth, Leon pulls away the stole covering my belly.


Even though it was just a single piece of clothing, it had been concealing us during our intimate exchanges. Now that it’s been stripped away, my swollen belly, heavy with our child, asserts its presence right before my eyes.

It feels as though our child is spying on our lovemaking, and this thought scorches me with shame.

"What are you doing, Leon?! This is embarrassing!"

"It's fine. Let's touch it together."

With that, he takes my hand and guides it to my belly.

My belly, now taut like an overinflated balloon, feels foreign, almost as if it isn’t my own body. The difference between before and after pregnancy is stark.

Yet, despite the strangeness, there is no discomfort. Instead, I feel an overwhelming sense of affection. Nowadays, I often find myself caressing my belly lovingly during idle moments.

But now, the sudden presence of our beloved child amidst our intimate act leaves me flustered.

Still, as I continue to stroke my belly, the feeling of love gradually overcomes my embarrassment. It seems that even someone like me, often labeled a wicked woman, has a sense of maternal instinct.

Leon’s hand covers mine as I rub my belly.

The protective touch reassures me, and I feel the tension drain from my body.

At the same time, reason melts away, giving way to the joy of being overwhelmed by both love and lust.

"Angie, do you love me?"

"I do."

"Then say it."


His commanding tone fills me with a submissive pleasure.

Surrendering to my desires, I start to express my love while caressing my belly.

"Baby, Mommy loves Daddy very much."


"I love you most, baby, but I love Daddy just as much."


"Mommy is happy just having Daddy and you, baby."

Leon’s hand, which had been touching mine, moves to caress my belly.

Though his touch mirrors mine, what rises within me is not just affection but also intense desire.

As his hand moves to the center of my belly, he teases my navel.


The sudden surge of sensation causes me to let out a melting moan.

The navel is the thinnest area of skin and muscle on the abdomen. Furthermore, with the uterus now swollen from pregnancy, it's closer than ever.

It feels as if my uterus is being directly caressed by his hand, pushing me to the brink of climax.

"No, Leon, stop."

"It looks like you’re enjoying it?"

"I'll climax right away, and then the baby will know I'm a lascivious woman."

I plead with what little rationality I have left to stop the overwhelming pleasure.

I can’t tell if the real me is the one afraid of the pleasure or the one wanting to indulge in it.

Sensing my excitement, Leon’s caresses become even more intense.

His tongue entwines with mine, his right hand fondles my breast, his left hand strokes my navel, and his penis stimulates my slit and clitoris.

I drool and moan, milk drips from my breasts, and my slit oozes with love juices as I drown in the ecstasy.

The overwhelming pleasure quickly drives me to climax.


The climax is so intense that I lose all sense of direction, followed by a blissful sense of relaxation.

Feeling the warmth of Leon holding me, as I faint.

I gradually become aware of the sensation of having my belly stroked.

Although it felt like I lost consciousness for a long time in the climax, it seems not much time has actually passed.

How happy I would be if I could just surrender to this pleasant languor and fall asleep.

When I open my eyes, my beloved is there.


"Are you okay? I might have gone a little overboard."

Leon, who is worried about me, is as gentle as ever, and that fact makes my heart burn with a maddening intensity.

This time, I press my lips against his. Conveying my gratitude and affection for him.

His hand stroking my body doesn’t feel lustful; instead, I sense tenderness and a desire to protect.

But one thing, his erect penis is still touching my secret part.

Our upper bodies are expressing love for each other, while our lower bodies, controlled by instinct, cannot stop their lascivious movements.

Even though our genital fluids are frothing from rubbing against each other, we can't cross the final line.

"Is it okay?" 

Leon always seeks my consent before making love.

I cherish his sincerity, but sometimes I find his checking my mood to be unromantic.

There is almost never I would refuse him.

I answer with a kiss instead of words.

Slowly, his penis invades my secret place.

My vagina feels so unresisting that it easily swallows his penis.

A sense of fulfillment as if the gap in my body has been filled and we have become a complete shape. Why does the union with him fulfill both my heart and body so thoroughly?


Right after he entered me, I felt something hot burst inside my vagina along with a beast-like groan.

Did I lose control of my bladder? Or did my water break early, even though it's not yet time for childbirth?

As I hurriedly tried to sit up, I saw that it was Leon who was trembling.

The groan had come from him, not me.

Then, I finally understood.

The heat I felt inside my vagina was Leon's ejaculation. He climaxed immediately after entering me.

Looking back, I've climaxed multiple times since our lovemaking began tonight, but Leon hasn't come even once.

Moreover, it had been half a month since our last sexual encounter.

Leon, whose sexual desire had built up completely, climaxed from just a small amount of stimulation inside me.

I felt his penis lose its heat, its hardness fading away inside me.

Leon, who likely wanted to climax together with me, turned his face away in embarrassment.

Usually so gallant, his boyish expression now and the sensation of his shrinking penis inside me excited me instead.

Leon, who normally enjoys dominating me during sex, was now dejected—something rare to see.

I decided to savor this opportunity, as a wicked instinct to toy with my beloved began to awaken within me.

"I'm sorry... my ejaculation came right out."

"Don't worry about it. It's been a long time."

I intentionally responded in a caring manner. The reddish face of Leon, who is embarrassed, looks like a young boy completely different from his normal self.

"Did you really love how it felt inside me that much?"

The tone is provocative, but it is not crossing the line, considering the fact that she has been verbally tortured by Leon until now.

"The feeling is different from usuall , it wasn't tight but it wasn't loose either ! It felt too good!"

"O-Oh, yeah?"

"Maybe it's changing since we're having a baby. It's hot, soft and slippery."

"Do you really think that's a compliment?"

"it's starting to get harder and harder to get away from Angie. I just finished ejaculating and I'm already horny."

I feel the penis stirring in my vagina, regaining heat and hardness.

I reach out and touch the secret place avoiding the impregnated belly.

I was surprised to feel a thick liquid on my palm, and when I withdrew my hand, I found a large amount of liquid on my palm.

The smothered smell in the air was unmistakably of Leon's semen.

If I had not been pregnant, I might have been impregnated by this ejaculation. No, even if she was pregnant, couldn't she really be impregnated further?

The amount of ejaculate that made me imagine such a ridiculous thing sent chills down my spine.

"If you ejaculates such a thing over and over again, she will get pregnant again."

"Angie doesn't want to get pregnant?"

Leon asked me in a casual tone of voice.

"Unlike men, women risk their lives in childbirth. It's not a matter of whether you like it or not."

"How many children do you want?

Leon confirmed my intention to have children in the future. I was pregnant right after we got married, so I was too busy to talk about it.

"We should have two boys and two girls. Four in total."


Was that a lot? I don't think wanting same number of children as the Bartfault family would be a problem! 

"Well, three..."


Is that still too many? Is this still too many? Considering the issue of succession, this seems reasonable , then......

"At least two? "

"Why are you reducing it?"

I don't know. My conversation with Leon and I are not on the same page.

"Then, how many children do you want?"

"Double. EIGHT ."


That's too many, not the number of children a wife can give birth to by herself.

"Does Leon intend to take a concubine?"

"I have no intention of marrying any woman other than Angie."

"Is it possible that you have a special fetish for only being aroused by pregnant women?"

"Fact is , the frequency has decreased since Ange became pregnant."

"So why do you want so many kids?"

When asked genuinely leon seemed to struggle earnestly 

"Sometimes, I get anxious and worry that the happiness I have now might disappear someday."

"So, is it better to have more children?"

"I want proof that I lived. Of course, it's true that I love Ange and our children. Also, when we were poor, we all helped each other out, so it's simply more comforting to have a larger family."


It seems to be the result of a mixture of anxiety about Leon future, fear of becoming a father, and a sense of responsibility as a lord.

I think it's a little cute, and I realize that I'm quite devoted to Leon.

"Happiness is not proportional to the number of children you have."

"I guess that's the way it is."

I gently persuade Leon who is not convinced at this moment like a mother educating her child. 

"I will continue to love Leon, and I swear that I will never change my mind about this."

"I see, I feel relieved."

"So don't try to give me eight children."

"Then six."

"Compromise a little more." 

It was a ridiculous conversation from the outside, but strangely it calmed me down and I felt not so bad. 

"After you have one baby, I want you to leave at least one year between births. It's hard on the mother and the fetus, and it's not good for child-rearing."

"I thought it would be nice if we could retire when the youngest was born."

"If you really want to have eight children, it will be fifteen years at the earliest. It is too early to retire in the middle of one's thirties."

"I was made a viscount in my teens."

“The awarding of peerages for military achievements is merely an exceptional case. It is inappropriate to compare it with peacetime.”

"I guess it's no good after all."

Don't force your children to manage a territory you don't want them to manage. They are not your replacements.

"Well, it's not that I don't want to have Leon's children.''

While we are talking, I can feel Leon's penis recovering inside my vagina.

At the same time, my body is starting to get aroused.

"Leon and I have too much physical chemistry. If we don't plan ahead, I think we'll be in big trouble."

''Does that mean Angie wants to get impregnated again too?''

My body trembles with shame and pleasure. The spear of flesh embedded in my womb had already regained its original fierceness.

"I'm sure that if Leon asks for it, I won't be able to refuse him. I would appreciate it if you would go easy on me."

"Of course, I will be gentle."

And so we resume our physical communion.

We had been in a cow-girl position earlier so as not to put too much strain on my stomach. The next one is also a less burdensome doggy position.

Slowly, she leans forward and raises her buttocks, which have grown large with pregnancy, high in the air.

This position, which exposes even the hole of the buttocks to her husband, makes her feel terribly shameful.

Before, Leon used to slam his cock into my buttocks with a hard insertion and extraction, but now he gently and slowly tortures me.

However, it is difficult for us to climax together, perhaps because I got pregnant and our bodies are not at their best.

Worried about the baby inside me, Leon had to move more gently, and the sensations were different, causing us to miss the mark by just a bit.

Despite our desperate desire for each other, our hunger only grew stronger.


Even though I had climaxed, Leon's penis remained hard inside me.

My body trembled in the aftermath of the orgasm. Still, something was missing, something felt incomplete.

At the next moment, I felt the baby move inside me.


"What's wrong, Ange?"

"The baby is moving."

I had felt the baby move many times before. It had become a common occurrence for Leon to place his hand on my belly and react with joy to the baby's movements.

But this was the first time the baby had moved so much late at night.

"Did we wake the baby with our noise?"

"Maybe the baby is mad at us for not going to sleep?"



"What should we do...?"

A somewhat awkward atmosphere began to fill the room.

Given the strain frequent intercourse during pregnancy can place on a mother's body, it was probably best to start restraining ourselves.

At the same time, I genuinely wanted Leon to feel good.

"Shall we do it just one more time?"

"Yeah, let's."

So I lay on my back on the bed.

Although it was a bit suffocating for my pregnant body, this was my favorite position.

"Angie, you like this, don't you?"

"Yes, because it's just like the first time."

The baby's movements are subsiding, but they are still ongoing. I gently rub my belly to soothe my child.

As Leon's penis splits my slit and penetrates my vagina again, a shiver of pleasure runs down my spine.



A different, more vivid pleasure than before. I thought it was just me, but Leon groans simultaneously.

His penis strikes my most sensitive spot. The contractions of my vagina in response provide even more stimulation to him.

"Is it hitting your cervix?"


Even with just a slow movement of his penis, the pleasure invades my body so intensely that my vision flickers.

No doubt about it, the world's most obscene kiss between his glans and my cervix. This act gives me the strongest pleasure.

And it's happening inside my womb.

"Could it be because of the fetal movements?"


The pleasure of being stimulated both inside and outside the uterus. Experiencing such immense pleasure, I might never be able to go back.

If I experience this again, I might find myself desiring to be pregnant again.

My vagina becomes wetter than ever before, and with every slight movement of his penis, everything melts away.

Even breathing feels overwhelmingly pleasurable.

"No, I can't take this, I can't endure it."

"Calm down, I'll stop for a moment."

"Don't stop!"

I entwine my legs around Leon as he tries to pull back.

Don't let go, love me more. The beast within me is seeking further pleasure.

Suddenly, a strong realization surges up.

Why do I desire Leon so much?

I've always thought that terms like "soulmate" and "true love" were cliché, yet being with Leon feels completely natural.

Surely, it is our destiny to meet, fall in love, become husband and wife, and have children.

"I'm sorry, I'm pregnant, I can't make a baby, but I want to have lots of babies."

"Does it feel that good?"

"I love you, Leon. I want your baby. It feels so good I want to get pregnant."

I can only utter the words that come to mind.

Understanding the meaning of the words, Leon's penis grows even larger with excitement.

Sensing his limit approaching, my vagina begins to contract.

"I'm going to ejaculate!"

"Do it inside me! Tell me you love me!"

"Angie! I love you!"

"Me too! Leon! I love you!"

The moment arrives as soon as we understand the meaning of our words.

A deep climax that fills both heart and body, making my consciousness almost dissipate.



We let out animalistic roars, experiencing a climax that seems to drain our very life force.

Every time Leon's body convulses, I feel the semen pouring into me and reach another climax.

The moment it feels like every drop of semen has been poured out from his testicles, our bodies separate.

Exhausted from the intercourse, we can no longer move from that spot.

Like animals trembling in the cold huddling together, we held each other.

Our clothes were still off.

Because even a single layer of fabric felt like an insurmountable distance.

Despite the fact that we had passionately intertwined, there was no sense of shame when looking back.

We felt a certain conviction towards each other.

That we were irresistibly drawn to each other and destined to walk together.

So much so that simply having each other's presence beside us was enough.

That's why there's no need to fear the unseen tomorrow.

Because we are inseparably one.

So we can fall asleep with peace of mind.

To live a reality that is blissfully happy as if in a lie.

To live a future that is blissfully happy as if in a dream.


Authors Note


Pregnancy sex scene.

I emphasized the pregnant belly to an excessive degree as it is my preference.

In novels for adult women, pillow talk during the act is also important, so I put effort into that as well.

It's common for pregnant women to feel awkward during sex.

The epilogue in the next chapter will conclude the story.

Thank you for staying with me until the end.

Postscript: Genmon-sama drew fan art for this chapter, for which I am truly grateful.

Raw- Link


Translator Note


Okay it's probably the last 

sequence of pregnant sex ! Thank God ! If you can't tell I don't really like pregnant sex scene! It feels wrong as a woman! I hope this segments never return!

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