
Where lies the North Star?

Chapter 46

A person's true worth is revealed in times of it's downfall.

The party of Izumikawa, who had resigned as Minister of Finance due to a scandal, was a modest gathering of close associates held at the Izumikawa family home in their hometown.

"Ah, Lady Keika-in. Thank you for coming."

"Ofcourse, I received the invitation. Where is Yujiro-kun?"

There are several types of parties in this political world. The most well-known are those held to raise funds for political operations, where a portion of the ticket price goes to the politician's campaign funds. The party we held on the Actress* the other day was one such event. This case is a gathering of local dignitaries and influential people, a truly private party, with the aim of strengthening the election organization.

[T/N- Actress , the ship Runa was kidnapped]

"He is over there. Shall I call him for you?"

I politely declined the secretary's offer. Even though the invitation came from Yujiro-kun, the main figure of the party is Izumikawa, the politician.

"I would like to greet Yujiro-kun's father first."


I walked through the center of the Japanese-style banquet hall in the samurai residence of the Izumikawa family. With roots tracing back to samurai heritage, the Izumikawa family is renowned as local dignitaries. Their political contributions have earned each head of the family a one-generation barony, though this practice has quietly raised concerns within the Privy Council system. For now, let’s set that issue aside. Part of my role is to spark conversation among the guests, signaling that the Keika-in family maintains strong ties with the Izumikawa family.

"Ah, her little Majesty. You're doing quite well."

"It’s been a while, Uncle Izumikawa. If there were an election now, I would win!"

Izumikawa and the guests laughed at my mature way of speaking. This year was an election year for the House of Councillors, and this party was also a meeting to decide on a candidate to ensure the ruling party wins the local House of Councillors . The main figure of the party, Councilor Izumikawa Tatsunosuke, is a member of the House of Representatives, but he was considering having his eldest son, Izumikawa Taichiro , run for the House of Councillors. This district has two seats. One opposition candidate had already decided to run and was campaigning, while the ruling party’s current member was also running.

Incidentally, from what I know of the results, this election ended in a surprising defeat for the ruling party, leading to the resignation of the current cabinet.

"That's encouraging. When you’re old enough to run, let me or Taichiro know. We'll prepare a seat for you."

"I'll consider it. But that's still a long way off. Where is Yujiro-kun?"

"Oh, he stepped out for a bit to look at the stars. Please go see him if you like."

"Thank you. I’ll excuse myself then."

Before leaving, I glanced at Taichiro, Yujiro-kun’s older brother. He looked thin and had sharp eyes. If I recall, in the game, he loses the election, which becomes the fatal blow that leads to Councilor Izumikawa losing the party leadership race after the cabinet resigns. With weakened influence within the faction and the district, he doesn't run in the next election and retires. This leads to a family feud over the political base between the brothers, with Yujiro-kun eventually taking on the heavy responsibility of the Izumikawa family. In the game, he’s 18, so he can't run for the seat until he’s 25. His storyline involves the struggles and loneliness of inheriting the family at a young age but not being able to work publicly.

"It’s cold. Is watching the stars that fun?"

I spoke to Yujiro-kun, who was standing alone in the garden. Our breaths were white in the air. Though spring was near, we were still dressed in winter clothes.

"I was looking at the North Star. I wondered if it ever gets lonely, standing silently in the same place for thousands or millions of years."

His poetic way of speaking was characteristic, but his position at school had become somewhat strained. After all, his father had resigned as a minister amid a major scandal. Children are sensitive to such things because they are simple and pure. In that case, Mitsuya-kun should also be isolated, 

Ah... he was already isolated from the beginning... cough, cough.

"Who knows. I'm not a star, so I wouldn't understand. I shine so brightly that everyone avoids me. Isn’t that terrible?"

If that’s the logic, then as an illegitimate child connected to the East thorough parents who left a huge amount of bad debt before dying, I’m by all measures , alone. In fact, because of my mature mindset, there was an unspoken agreement among the girls. I didn't belong to any of the girl groups but participated as an observer, mediating disputes among them. Because I was a perfect outlier, they couldn’t integrate me and chose neutrality over exclusion. Well, at this age, relationships aren't complicated by romance yet as Girls will smile and betray their friends when boys are involved.

"But it’s very much like Keika-in-san."

"Like what!?"

"Sorry, sorry."

We laughed together in the cold air, then gazed at the winter constellations.

"I’m sorry. It seems my father sent the invitation in my name."

"I should be the one apologizing. I caused trouble at the last party. Let's call it even."

We laughed together. As I shivered from the cold, Yujiro-kun handed me a steaming drink from a thermos. The aroma told me it was royal milk tea.

"Here you go."

"Thank you. Ow!"

"Be careful, it’s hot."

"You should have said so sooner! I didn't know Yujiro-kun had such a hobby. Let’s go star-gazing with everyone next time♪"

As I sipped the royal milk tea, blowing on it to cool it down, Yujiro-kun smiled wryly, with a hint of resignation in his eyes.

"It’s enough that Keika-in-san came. Besides, who else would join us in this cold..."

Yujiro-kun’s words trailed off. You're too naive, Yujiro-kun. That kind of consideration, he wouldn't notice.

"Hey! We’ve been looking for you, Yujiro. What’s going on? Runa is here too."

"What do you mean by 'what’s going on'!"

"But it’s cold. What are you and Izumikawa doing?"


Of course, I had informed Eichii-kun and Mitsuya-kun of my plans. The adults were inclined to refuse, but since I was the reason, they reluctantly allowed the boys to attend. When I glanced at Yujiro-kun, I saw he was wiping his eyes.

"Yujiro-kun taught me about the stars. Look! That’s the North Star!"

Confidently, I pointed to a star in the sky. Yujiro-kun, with his usual gentle smile, calmly corrected me.

"Keika-in-san, the North Star is that way."


"By the way, I heard the North Star moves too."

"No way!?"

As Eiichi-kun teased me and I was taken aback, Yujiro-kun laughed, watching our interaction. I was sure he knew about this.

"Being right isn't everything. But didn’t you like the way it was phrased?"

As Yujiro-kun winked at me, his eyes said everything. You’ll make a fine politician.




【Political Parties】

For these reasons, the food at such parties tends to be quite plain. Also, companies sometimes buy all the tickets and distribute them as freebies as a means of political donation.

【1998 House of Councillors Election】

With the dissolution of the Shinshinto, it was expected to be an easy win, but it ended in a surprising defeat. One factor was the economic downturn due to the consumption tax hike, making the consumption tax a si

gnificant political issue.


Added a bonus about the North Star. Satisfied with the right amount of sneakiness.

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