
Duke's Daughter and the Contract with the Ugly Nobleman

 Chapter 3

The separate residence turned out to be smaller than I had anticipated.

It was potentially even smaller than my room at the Redgrave family's estate in the royal capital.

The room, which seemed to combine the kitchen, living room, and study, had a desk, a chair, and a sofa.

While I sat on the chair, Lord Baltfard started something in the kitchen.

I wondered if he would brandish a knife and drive me away.

As I entertained rude thoughts, a pleasant aroma filled the air around me.

When I glanced at Lord Bartfault, I saw him holding a tea pot and tea cup that seemed out of place in this setting.

His slow pouring of tea into the cups was far from the image I had imagined of him.

Once he finished pouring the tea, he approached me with two cups in hand.

Upon closer inspection, I realized they were products from a well-known workshop.

As I hesitantly sipped the amber-colored liquid poured into the cup, a fragrant aroma filled my nostrils, and the warm liquid quenched my thirst.

It was a brand of tea leaves that had gained a reputation among the students at the academy for having good flavor despite its price.

Although it had only been about two years since the incident, memories of the academy feels like a distant memory.

Once Lord Bartfault confirmed that I had started drinking the tea, he began to drink his own tea.

As I emptied my cup, I turned my gaze towards him.

The first thing that caught my eye was the hair that had grown to cover the left side of his face, and the scar that could be seen even through the gap between the strands of hair.

The scar, which spreads from the left side of his temple to his cheek on his handsome face, which appears to have been inherited from his mother, the Baroness , the scar added a touch of pain to his otherwise handsome face, it was not so ugly as to be reviled.

However, his eyes were sharp enough to make anyone who met his gaze feel intimidated, and anyone timid might faint if stared at for too long.

His physique, visible through his simple attire, resembled that of a trained soldier.

Once he finished his tea, Lord Bartfault slowly extended his hand towards me.

Uncertain of his intentions, I handed him the cup I had been holding, and he headed back to the kitchen with it.

As I pondered what to say to him while he washed the tea utensils, he turned around and muttered softly.

"So, what brings you here?"

The voice that emanated from his mouth was that of a young man more appropriate for his age, rather than his appearance.

His blunt tone evoked the image of a rebellious teenager rather than that of a skilled soldier.

"I have come to visit because a marriage proposal involving you has been raised."

Despite feeling somewhat irritated by being addressed as 'you,' he calmly replied.

"Here we go again. My parents should just put a stop to it already."

Having finished washing the tea utensils and storing them on the shelf, he sat down on a chair and directed a provocative gaze at me.

"Isn't the Redgrave family a prominent noble family in the royal capital? How much do they want to exploit me by trying to engage a young lady from such a distinguished lineage with an upstart like me?"

His crude tone and blatant provocation mercilessly tormented my heart.

"Lord Bartfault, the Redgrave family does not disregard or disrespect you. It is out of respect for a hero who defended the country that they..."

“It makes no difference!!”

My words were drowned out by his angry voice.

“While we were desperately fighting on the front lines, you were playing a stupid game of musical chairs in the royal capital!! You never left the royal capital, only spewing bravado words and secretly communicating with the principality army just to sell confidential information!? You don't know how many soldiers died!! Because of you peoples arrogance! After we fought desperately and chased away the enemy, I saw those head honcho come over and say beautiful things standing atop the corpses of our comrades. Is something wrong with you people?”

I couldn't say anything back.

He was in hell on earth. The words of those who do not know this scene are nothing more than firewood for the flames of his anger.

"Do you understand the horror of of facing you damn nobles who would sacrifice their daughter in order just to use me although they hate me in their hearts despise me as an upstart? What's more, even my parents agreed , I would never marry you noble daughters! I don't need a wife who's ugly on the inside. If I'm going to marry her, I'd rather shoot myself in the head with my gun."

As he practically shouted that, several books fell from the desk that had been in its last leg.

Lord Baltfalt, who was out of breath, and sat down on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling, perhaps distracted himself from the rampage he caused.

"I'm already tired of the battlefield, the pain of my wounds, marriage negotiations, and life."

Those words were filled with a depth of sadness that I couldn't understand.

"...I'll make arrangements to return to the capital tomorrow. Return to the mansion quickly."

The finger pointing at the door was trembling with rage.

Feeling frustrated that I couldn't do anything, I opened the door and saw that the sun was about to set.

“…I can’t go home.”


Lord Bartfault heard my words and let out a very stupid voice.

"It's already dark, so I can't go back to the mansion. I'll stay here today."

"What are you talking about?"


My heart trembled to the core as he stared at me with an absolute zero regard.

"It's impossible for a young lady to stay at the house of a man she's just met, right?"

"It's more dangerous to wander carelessly in the dark in a unknown land. Or will Lord Bartfault take the pain to escort me back to the mansion?"

I get a blatant look of disgust, but I coolly brused that aside. 

"If you don't go back, my family will be worried and I'll send someone to check on up."

"I told them not to worry even if I didn't come back. And your parents to reassured me that their son didn't have the guts to attack a woman, so I can rest assured."

“You are the worst woman ever I seen in my life!! 

I desperately suppressed the laughter that welled up at Lord Bartfault's changed conduct.

"I seriously can't believe it! I've met a lot of women so far, but you're by far the worst! Be proud of your personality! This is the first time in my life that someone been able to get this far!"

It seems like she is being hated a lot, but I decided to pay no heed to it .

After that, various insults were hurled at me for several minutes, but it was at the level of a child's quarrel.

Eventually, as if giving up, he let out a big sigh and turned his head to the corner of the separate house.

"There's a bed in the study. You can sleep there tonight."

As I peered into the study, I noticed that it was mostly occupied by bookshelves and a simple bed, leaving very little space on the floor.

"Where will you sleep?"

"I'll sleep on the sofa. I've slept on dirt, wood, and rocks on the battlefield before."

I felt a sense of guilt for taking the only bed available.

"Just go to sleep and return to the mansion tomorrow. That'll be the end of this engagement play."

With that, Lord Bartfault laid down on the sofa.

Entering the study, I sat on the bed, where several books were placed.

1. "Foundations of Estate Management"

2. "Cultivating Edible Plants on Floating Islands: A Comprehensive Guide"

3. "Tactical Strategies: An Introduction"

Although he secluded himself in another residence, it seems he is determined to fulfill his duties as a lord.

Many who rose through the ranks in war and became nobles became arrogant, falling into the same behaviors as the decadent nobles they despised.

Compared to those who give orders from the capital without visiting their territories and have no idea about the current situation, Lord Bartfault atleast seems to have a sense of duty as a Lord of the territory and a willingness to learn.

However, managing an estate is not as easy as just studying theories.

The condition of the books, as well as their publication dates, being at least ten years old, worries me.

At the time they were written, certain acts and items might have been legal but are now prohibited by law, as there have been many new, more efficient methods will pile up through the passage of time and old ones became nothing but a burden.

"If things continue like this, the management of Bartfault's territory will collapse."

As I pondered this, I closed my eyes, gradually succumbing to drowsiness, releasing my consciousness.


I slowly woke up at the sound of something.

I felt a bit disoriented in the unfamiliar room, but as my consciousness awakened, memories flooded back.

Perhaps due to sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, I felt some pain in my body, and it seemed like I hadn't fully recovered from fatigue.

Slowly getting up and looking out the window, I saw the horizon dyed red.

I never expected to sleep through the entire night.

As I became aware of the passage of time, a sudden wave of hunger rushed over me.

Since Lord Bartfault made tea but didn't eat anything himself, I hesitated to ask for food.

I regretted not bringing any food with me, but it was too late for that now.

Trying to make as little noise as possible, I made my way to the living room. A blanket was neatly folded on the sofa.

It seemed Lord Bartfault had indeed spent the night on the sofa.

Creating a debt to the other party can serve as a starting point for concessions in negotiations.

While feeling frustrated with my own incompetence, I looked at the table, where a pile of cloth caught my eye.

A note attached to it read, "Food. Eat if you want."

As I uncovered it, I found bread, salad, roasted meat, and soup neatly arranged.

The moment I saw it, my stomach rumbled, and my face flushed with embarrassment.

It was fortunate that Lord Baltfalt wasn't here at the moment.

I sat down on a chair, offered a prayer before eating, and began to eat.

Although the food had cooled down, the seasoning was just right, and I couldn't stop eating.

Before I knew it, all the plates were empty.

It might not have been behavior befitting a duke's daughter, but I hoped for forgiveness.

As I got used to the surroundings, I noticed a faint movement outside the window.

It was the lord of this territory.

"Good morning, Lord Bartfault."

I approached him and gave him bow befitting a noble lady.

Lord Bartfault continues his work without even looking at me.

Was I foolish to reassess him even slightly?

Advancing further, I stand directly behind him.

"Oh! Good! Morning!"


Though he glares back at me with a disgruntled expression, I'm not delicate enough to be intimidated by such a look.

"You did leave yet?"

"I hadn't expressed my gratitude yet."

And with a graceful gesture, I bow my head again.

"I'm truly grateful for your kind consideration. Thank you very much."

"Is that sarcasm I here?"

Though his tone sounds exasperated, the fact that he cared is undeniable, and my gratitude is genuine.

"What have you been doing since early morning, Lord Baltfalt?"

"Working in the fields."

He declares and resumes his work.

"I heard from your parents. The previous Bartfault family's head too had to do farm work himself."

"Even though we're nobles, don't embarrass the family in front of outsiders..."

Seems like he's frustrated with his parents' actions.

"The Bartfault family originally was like poor nobles with one foot in farming. So, inherently, we're not cut out for noble life. I feel bad for pushing unnecessary worries and paperwork onto myself since I've climbed up."

Seems like now he's willing to engage in a proper conversation.

"I planned to become a soldier, save money, and retire to the countryside. But because of my achievements, I've been burdened with unwanted titles and lands. I just want to live leisurely."

He pauses his work, sits on the ground, and folds his legs. His eyes scrutinize me as if assessing my worth.

"There's so much to do, yet I have no idea what to do. Even in this situation, there's no shortage of people aiming for my reputation and wealth. It's laughable that even a Redgrave family heiress is coming. What do they want from me?"

He seems to be struggling with the changes in his environment. The moat and fences around his separate residence might have been built to not deter outsiders but protect himself.

And he's asking me, "What do you want from me?"

"My biggest concern is whether Lord Bartfault holds any disloyalty toward the Holfault Kingdom."

It's better to honestly convey the truth than risk displeasure by hiding it. After all, I'm not good at playing tricks.

"The current kingdom is in a very difficult situation. It will take a long time to recover its strength. Yet, the conflict between central nobles and local lords is worsening. If we receive interference from other countries in this situation, destruction is inevitable."

"... "

Lord Bartfault fidgets slightly. He's silent, but it's clear his sharp mind is at work.

"The purpose of this engagement is to prove that the Redgrave family has no intention of conflicting with local lords, and at the same time, to ingratiate themselves with a capable noble to strengthen their faction."

"Sounds like something a politically minded big shot would come up with. In the end, they only see me as a pawn on the board."

It's a sarcastic remark, but it's the truth.

"They don't hesitate to offer their own daughter as a pawn to strengthen their faction. They think of their daughter as a tool or something."

His gaze on me flickers slightly. Is he pitying me?

He might not understand, being raised almost like a commoner, but this is what nobles are supposed to be like.

For the sake of maintaining their lineage, they'd easily discard even family members. What matters is not the individual but the whole.

"For now, I have no intention of going against the kingdom. But if they attack, I won't show mercy. So, go home."

He tries to end the conversation.

"Your estate management will fail."

My words make him stop moving.

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. Your study is filled with books about management. Didn't you say earlier that you have no idea what to do? A smart person like Lord Bartfault should already be aware of that."

It's a rude statement, but I have to say it if I want him to listen to me.

"The Bartfault estate's development tiil now was only possible because it was small-scale. To expand, you need overwhelming manpower and tools. Frankly, your family doesn't seem to have acquired the skills necessary for estate management. Without increasing the population and having someone skilled in administration and accounting, the management won't succeed."

As I have received harsh education for becoming the future queen, I'm more knowledgeable in governance and management than Lord Bartfault.

"Can the Redgrave family fill in those gaps?"

"Of course, easily."

With a displeased expression, he furrows his brows and contorts his face, while I smile.

I must appear as the cunning villainess the rumors paint s me to be.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want Lord Baltfalt to not harbor disloyalty toward the Holfault Kingdom and to always support the Redgrave family in times of need. That's all."

Lord Bartfault, sitting in contemplation, hesitates.

If he were a noble with many personnel, he could consult with them freely.

But in the Baltfalt domain, there's no one with more talent than him.

He alone must decide everything about his territory.

Whom to ally with and how to protect the territory? As a noble and a lord, he's constantly forced to make choices.

"I feel like I'm being trapped. You'd be better suited for military service as godforsaken strategists."

"I'm honored by your praise."

"Got it. I'll collaborate with the Redgrave family. I will just ask one more thing, is the bride have a consent in this."

"Am I not suitable in your eyes?"

"A duchess's daughter is too good for me. Especially if she's as beautiful as you."

"T-thank you."

It's the first time someone other than my family has complimented my appearance. It feels somewhat embarrassing.

"I'm Leon."


"You can call me by my name. Using honorifics makes my butts itchy. And no need for formal language."

"Isn't it rude to speak like that to a noble?"

"It's fine because I allow it. Being addressed with honorifics by girls my age makes me feel like they're judging my status rather than me personally."

It seems like all his engagement partners so far have been such young ladies. It's somewhat pitiful.

"Understood. Is this sufficient?"

"Perfect. I'll rely on you as a business partner, Angelica."

Saying so, Leon extends his right hand.

I shake the hand that's roughened by military service and farming, covered in calluses and dirt.

"I'll rely on you too, Leon."

And thus, the strange contract between him and me began.


Authors Note


"The Birth of Yasagure Leon"

You've created him as a character like a past trauma in a love game. He's an image of an ordinary young man who isn't a reincarnated person but has become distorted due to a painful experience. Use the second person harshly to express a feeling of carelessness. There are many works aimed at women about rough-and-tumble aristocrats living in a house on deserted land. Please think of it as a mob-seka version of such a person. You're still in ynowour 20s at the time of writing, but you're still reflecting on whether it's too rough. Would a young lady from a country that respects adventurers be as scared as walking at night? I thought so, but if you're unarmed, in an unknown land, and in the darkness of night, it'll be self-replenishing if you don't force yourself to act.



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