
Deceitful Damsel

Chapter 21

"Have you heard the discussions regarding my potential marriage to Gilbert-sama, Angelica-sama?"

After Olivia took her seat, she posed the question, causing me to nearly choke on the tea I was sipping.

For a moment, I suspected this might be a cruel jest due to the outrageous nature of the inquiry, but upon reconsideration, I knew her well enough to believe she wasn’t the sort to indulge in such cruelty.

When my gaze shifted to Mylene-sama, she furrowed her brow and shrugged.

In this matter, I have concluded that the Royal family is either uninvolved or unaware.

The notion is preposterous, utterly absurd.

To propose a marriage to my brother, who already has a wife and children, is beyond folly.

Anyone wishing to avoid antagonizing the Redgrave family would never entertain such a proposal.

If my former self— the Duke's daughter, the Prince's fiancée, and a candidate for the next queen—heard this ,she certainly would have dismissed such an idea with a laugh.

However, the kingdom has faced the threat of extinction multiple times over the past few years.

What is sensible in times of peace becomes irrational in times of war.

No matter how insane it may seem from the outside, those at the heart of it all can act irrationally with utter seriousness.

This is a power struggle between the Holfault Royal family and the Duke of Redgrave family for control of the nation.

Though I haven't witnessed the battlefield firsthand, Leon has frequently described the disarray and confusion that reigns at the front lines.

If these accounts hold true, what then is the Duke's objective? Why was I left uninformed?

Reflect. Discard distractions, abandon assumptions, and engage in pure contemplation.

"Who is spreading such nonsense?"

"The upper echelons of the temple, most of whom hail from noble backgrounds."

"And what were they doing during the war? Are these the cowards who quivered in the rear of the temple while the Saint fought valiantly on the front lines?"


Olivia's face contorts with distress.

I see now; they are opportunists, unaffiliated with either the Royal faction or the Ducal faction in the current kingdom.

The temple was originally founded to protect and assist the Saint, who aided the founders in establishing the Holfault Kingdom.

In its early days, the temple was lauded for its efforts in stabilizing the fledgling nation.

However, as the nation solidified, the nature of the organization began to shift.

It transformed from a charitable organization serving the public and protecting the Saint, to a religious institution ensuring the legitimacy of the Holfault Royal family.

The Saint, once the supreme leader, became a mere symbol, with the temple's higher-ups taking control of the organization.

Until now, there have been no issues with the temple's operational policies.

However, the last war, and now this one, have profoundly altered the role of the Saint.

Saint Olivia.

A commoner Saint who personally took to the front lines, galvanized the troops, and steered the kingdom to victory.

An unprecedented and unconventional figure in every sense.

To the upper echelons of the temple, rigidly clinging to traditions and mired in corruption, Olivia's presence is a significant disruption.

Many priests are nobles who, having abandoned court life, have taken up positions within the temple, while many of the maidens see it merely as a prestigious step before marriage.

There are indeed those filled with genuine reverence for the Saint and a spirit of service to the secular world, but such individuals are primarily from commoner or lower noble backgrounds.

Olivia's existence exposes the corruption within the temple's upper ranks while simultaneously proving invaluable in garnering public support.

As I realized this, a thought crossed my mind.

‘No way, could it be really happening?’

It would have been easier if I could dismiss it as mere conjecture.

But once the thought crossed my mind, it was impossible to forget.

Especially since it was the worst scenario I could imagine.

"Is the Redgrave family plotting to usurp the throne...?"

To the temple, Olivia is a troublesome and inconvenient presence.

However, to eliminate her forcefully would be to undermine the temple’s own existence, lose public support, and provoke the kingdom’s intervention.

The most prudent course is for Olivia to voluntarily step down as Saint.

In the temple, the most common reason for maidens to retire is marriage.

Thus, marrying Olivia off to some noble, without arousing suspicion, makes strategic sense.

The family that marries the Saint could also potentially leverage her fame and trust she had build.

"Does the temple already view the Holfault Royal family as finished and believe the Redgrave family to be the next rightful rulers?"

"You can deduce so much from such scant information. Truly, you should have been queen," Lady Mylene praised me wistfully, but her words brought me no satisfaction.

This moment signifies a pivotal shift in history, marking the decline of the old dynasty and the rise of a new one. 

The nature of this transition remains uncertain: it could unfold as a peaceful transfer of power, a ruthless purge of the old order, or a violent conflict.

Never did I imagine that my father would go to such extremes.

I had assumed that, at most, it would be a power struggle within the kingdom's factions, not a direct overthrow of the Holfault Royal family.

While part of me finds this development unbelievable, another part, with cold rationality, finds it disturbingly plausible.

From the annulment of my engagement to the Prince until now, over these few years—or rather, throughout the several decades that my father has been engaged in state affairs as Duke of Redgrave—he has borne witness to the deep-seated corruption within the Holfault Kingdom.

Thus, it is not accurate to say that the Duke's family has served the royal family without any resentment.

Indeed, tracing back our lineage, we have a legitimate claim to the throne. Yet, as a branch family, we have served as vassals, with successive heads of the Redgrave family harboring feelings of indignation.

Having seen firsthand the disgraceful conduct of King Roland and his immediate heir, Prince Julius, my father likely made his decision.

'The Holfault family no longer possesses the capacity to govern the kingdom.'

My father is not one to act out of mere personal ambition.

If anything, his loyalty to the Holfort Kingdom is high.

For him to plot and execute the usurpation of the throne indicates just how weakened the Holfault Royal family has become.

"I understand the temple's intentions. Is the Royal family taking any measures?"

"Indeed, they are considering their options. However, skepticism runs high among the court nobles. Those familiar with the Duke's character find it hard to believe he would betray us, given his longstanding commitment to the kingdom's stability alongside me, even in these challenging times."

"I find it hard to believe that the Redgrave family's influence has expanded so swiftly."

"The error lay in Marquis Frampton's collusion with the Principality. That traitor's actions mean that anyone attempting to oppose the Redgrave family now risks being labeled a traitor themselves. Following the purges from the last war and the current conflict, no noble remains in the kingdom with the strength to challenge the Duke's family."

"Yet, wouldn't there still be many who would support the Royal family if they issued a order?"

"That is contingent on the royal family's unity. Presently, they are embroiled in disputes over the succession, with factions vying to position their candidate as the next heir after Julius's disinheritance. Ironically, these factions naively assume the Duke will back them, despite his own legitimate claim to the throne as a member of a branch family."

I see, preparations are progressing steadily.

For any prudent noble alarmed by the centralization of power within the Redgrave family, acting rashly would be ill-advised.

At this stage, it's hard to tell who the true ruler really is.

"And what exactly do you expect me to do about it?"

"Please, arrange a meeting with the Duke for me."

Olivia bowed her head and pleaded in response to my query.

"That is out of the question."

I was taken aback by the unintentional coldness in my reply, but I spoke truthfully.

"This is the first I've heard of this . But I have witnessed my father restrain his ire towards the Royal family, specifically His Majesty and His Highness, for an extended period. Regardless of the Royal family's current struggles, they will not alter their course."

"Lady Angelica, were you unaware of this?"

"I have no knowledge of why my father and brother chose to withhold this information from me."

Perhaps my family refrained from involving me in their political struggles out of genuine affection, or perhaps they were confident in their ability to persuade me later. Even if Leon had chosen to shield me and the children out of concern, his behavior would have inevitably betrayed him, compelling me to extract the truth from him. Regardless, through my marriage into the Bartfault family, I find myself increasingly distanced from the Redgrave lineage.

I have no intention of actively participating in the capital's political turmoil. My foremost priority is now Leon, Lionel, and Ariel. I will show no mercy to anyone who dares to entangle my family in this conflict, whether they be queen or saint. Conversely, as long as my family remains untouched, I wish to avoid these troublesome political disputes entirely.

"Suppose I do manage to establish a meeting with the Redgrave family. What benefit would that bring to the Bartfault family?"

"That is..."

Olivia hesitated, struggling to find the right words. If she couldn't respond to such a basic question immediately, introducing her to Father would be futile.

"As the Viscountess of Bartfault, my primary concern lies with the interests of our territory. The Bartfault domain has received substantial loans from the Duke's family. What benefit do we gain by aligning with the Royal family against the Duke's house?"

In reality, the loans from the Duke's family are not significant enough to strain the finances of the Bartfault territory. The total amount does not even reach three million dia. These funds merely cover the initial costs of developing the territory. If the Bartfault family lived with extreme frugality, imposed significant tax hikes, and increased fees for health facilities, we could repay the debt within a few years. However, such measures would provoke backlash from both the commoners and the nobles of other territories, making it an impractical solution.

The current financial hardship of the Bartfault territory is primarily due to the funds expended during the war with the Principality, which were initially reserved for the territory's development. The royal family plans to grant titles to those who distinguished themselves in the war, but titles alone do not fill empty stomachs or heal wounds. Even receiving the latest model of armor has limited utility, and its maintenance is costly. Ultimately, what is most critical for managing a territory is ample funds.

"Surely, you weren't considering asking for our cooperation without any return. Many lords are impoverished after this war. And now, you expect us to join the Royal family's quarrel over succession and the dispute between the Holfault and Redgrave families? Given the situation just three months after the war's end, it's understandable that even the palace nobles would question the royal family's strength."

It may seem blunt to speak this way in front of Lady Mylene, the de facto ruler of this country, but I did so deliberately. She invited me here and introduced me to the saint. If we were speaking publicly, I'd need to use more elegant words, but in this private setting, being direct will move the conversation forward.

“It would be one thing if the Royal family still possessed more power than the Duke’s family, as they did when my engagement was broken off, but what do I stand to gain from siding with a Royal family that is now on the decline? It would be a nuisance if they were to rely on me.”

"If things continue in this manner, the country will descend into civil war. The Bartfault territory will not be spared and will inevitably suffer casualties too."

"Indeed, that would be troublesome. In that case, we will remain neutral within our territory. The actions of the Bartfault family will not significantly impact the future of the Royal family."

"Are you saying you don't care if many people die?"

"A lord's foremost priority is their own subjects. It is only natural to prioritize them over those from other territories. If the casualties are limited to the Royal family and a few nobles, the majority of the country will turn a blind eye."


"Perhaps the solution with the fewest casualties is to sacrifice the Holfault Royal family. One royal family member might save thousands, if not tens of thousands, of commoners."

"Lady Angelica, are you saying you don't care what happens to His Majesty Roland and His Highness Julius?"

"On the contrary, let me ask you, Saint Olivia, what obligation or duty compels me to act for the sake of His Majesty and His Highness?"

The atmosphere became palpably tense.

Oh, I said it.

Having said it, there was no going back.

"If it were only His Majesty, I might feel some obligation. I could even sympathize with the other princes and princesses. But if you think I would do anything for Prince Julius, you're being far too optimistic."

"So, you do harbor resentment against Julius-sama."

"It would be disingenuous to say I hold no grudge at all. The anger from that time has continued to smolder in some corner of my heart. But more than the grudge, I question Prince Julius's suitability. Frankly, he is unfit to be royalty."

I averted my gaze and looked at Mylene-sama. She remained silent as ever. There’s no way she doesn't understand what I do. So, I might as well say everything.

"He fails to grasp the significance of an engagement meant to fortify cooperation between the Royal family and the Duke's family. Despite having a fiancée, he fell for another woman. He viewed me as an adversary based on assumptions without conducting a thorough investigation. He publicly annulled our engagement unilaterally, abusing his position despite lacking the authority. The duel he staged was patently unfair. He believed the false reports of sycophants and fabricated crimes against me. Even after learning the truth, he neither offered a formal apology nor restored my honor."

As I spoke, my anger swelled. Flames of rage that had burned in the depths of my heart for five years. I could maintain my sanity only because my heart was now filled with love that exceeded my anger. This was not a side of me I could show my husband and children.

"And when his position was threatened, he didn't even come himself; instead, he sent the very woman who was the reason he condemned me, along with his mother, to confront me. Does he not understand the concept of shame?"

"Angelica-sama, that’s not true. Julius-sama has grown since then..."

"He is not here now. That says it all. There is no sign of sincerity or remorse. It's beyond a joke. To ask for cooperation under these circumstances is more exasperating than angering. He still seems to believe it's natural for others to work for him."

It’s incredibly disrespectful, but what I’m saying is nothing but the truth. I feel a bit guilty since Olivia, not Julius, is the one being grilled in my harsh criticism.

"He disregarded the contract between families, couldn't control his lust, spread distorted facts, fabricated crimes, and attempted to resolve matters through violence. How could anyone look up to such a person as their lord? Julius-sama himself is the one who caused this situation. It goes far beyond youthful indiscretions."

I finished my now-cold lemon tea, hoping it would at least slightly temper the heat within me. After saying everything I could, the room was enveloped in silence.

"Then..." Olivia finally broke the quiet.

"Then, it's impossible to gain Angelica-sama's cooperation?"

"I never said that," I replied, maintaining my composure. "As I mentioned earlier, 'I am now the Viscountess of Bartfault.'"

This was the most subtle hint I could provide. Olivia, despite her commoner origins, was academically gifted. If she grasped this hint, she could decide her next steps.

"So, if the Bartfault territory receives benefits surpassing those from the Redgrave family, that would suffice?"

"Do you think it’s manipulative? But I am currently entrusted with governing the Bartfault territory by my husband. If you want me to defy my father, the Duke, and risk the well-being of my people, offer something equivalent in return."

Managing a territory is no simple feat. Lofty ideals pale in comparison to the value of a single grain of wheat.

"Food, money, status, honor, blood, peace. Provide us with what we need. If you cannot, meeting with my father will only end with your departure in tears."

This was all I could offer. Olivia needed to think for herself. I was not so benevolent as to simply instruct her. If she couldn’t handle this, it would be better for her to become a mere adornment of the temple.

Olivia began to ponder deeply, muttering to herself.

"Olivia-sama, it is time," a lady-in-waiting called out. I noticed that quite a bit of time had passed; we had become more engrossed in the discussion than I had realized. Olivia quickly composed herself, while Mylene-sama leisurely enjoyed the remaining sweets.

"For today, I shall take my leave. Thank you for making time despite your busy schedule," Olivia said, rising to her feet.

It was clear she had not given up despite the harsh treatment. Was it this tenacity that made her a saint, or did one need such tenacity to become one? As I watched Olivia swiftly leave the room, I pondered these questions. I felt a wave of exhaustion. Along with the fatigue came hunger. To hell with it, stress is detrimental to the body. Today, I would eat to my heart's content.

Oh, my unborn child, please forgive your foolish mother.

"You were quite kind to the saint. I found it surprising,"

Mylene-sama regarded me with a curious expression.

"I wasn’t being particularly kind or sympathetic. We needed information too."

As I murmured, I used a cake fork to cut the fruit on my plate into bite-sized pieces. The juicy flesh burst in my mouth. After finishing, I sipped my tea to calm my mind. The real challenge begins now.

"Why did you have Olivia meet with me at this point?"

I no longer intended to be involved with the royal family or her. My plan was to help Leon manage the Bartfault territory, give birth to his children, and live a peaceful life.

"She wanted to meet you. I merely arranged the time and place. It seems she doesn't have many people she can trust in the temple now."

"Doesn’t she have Julius-sama and the other four as attendants?"

"They were separated from Julius. Officially, it’s a promotion due to their war achievements, but it’s actually a demotion to keep them apart. The duke's faction and the nobles supporting other princes as heirs maneuvered behind the scenes to weaken Julius’s power."

I see. Without relying on the five and unable to expect help from the temple, meeting my father or brother would be nearly impossible. Desperate, she turned to me.


"I might invite unnecessary backlash if I say it myself. But if she meets you, the symbol of her past mistakes, she'll understand it from the depths of her heart."

"It seems like I've just been made out to be the villain."

"If she's a foolish girl who ends the conversation by making you the villain, she has no place in this country."

The woman before me exuded the demeanor of a cold-hearted ruler.

"If Olivia is to become a saint or marry someone from the Royal or Ducal family and get involved in politics, she must possess the ability to think and act independently. If not, she'd be better off being someone's puppet or retreating somewhere to live quietly."

"She's a smart woman, but she is from a commoner background. It's natural that she lacks political acumen."

"She ruined my years of hard work. She will bear the responsibility for it too."

After clapping her hands a few times, a burly man entered the room. He must be one of the Queen's guards. No matter how free-spirited Mylene-sama might be, she isn't foolish enough to walk around without any guards. The man, who seemed to be a guard, bowed to me, placed something on the table, and left the room.

"This is for you."

"What exactly is inside?"

"It's detailed information on the current situation in the royal capital. Reading it will give you a general understanding."

"I cannot accept it. I have no intention of siding with the Royal family. However, I also have no intention of actively attacking the royal family in support of the Ducal family."

"Just take it. What you do with it is up to you."

"I might report to the ducal family that I met with you today."

"Do as you please. I won't hold it against you, no matter the outcome."

Her response was somewhat anticlimactic. I really don't understand what Mylene-sama is trying to do.

"May I make a disrespectful remark?"

"Go ahead."

"Forgive my impertinence, but, Your Majesty, you are deceitful."

I dared to speak harshly.

"The past cannot be erased. There must have been measures you could take before things reached this state. To ignore those and now try to repair the relationship between the Royal family and the Ducal family is impossible. Instead of personally persuading Olivia, you use me to guide her. You act like a strategist, treating others as pawns on a chessboard, without ever facing the front lines. It's an extremely cold and cunning behavior."

Even though I harshly reprimanded her, Mylene-sama did not change her demeanor. Instead, she gazed at me with an expression of enjoyment. Her attitude is eerie as it was terrifying.

"Indeed, you are correct. I have no pride or shame. I am a despicable woman who uses even others' kindness."

"If you are aware of it, then why?"

"Because I am the Queen. And because I am a wife and a mother. That's all there is to it."

She answered my question with a smile. Her eyes were colored with deep sorrow.

"Even if I married into this country from another, I am the Queen of the Holfault Kingdom. I have the duty to stand tall until the very moment the country perishes."

"And if there is even the slightest possibility of avoiding its destruction, you appeal to me emotionally, even though it makes you seem unproud?"

"I can understand if you think I have no pride. Still, I do not wish to see the Holfault Kingdom perish. I cannot tolerate my husband and son being killed."

She answered my question with a calm face. Perhaps she had reached a state of mind only those prepared for death could achieve. Love, kindness, anger, sadness. Every emotion was mixed together, yet there was a unified beauty like a masterpiece. Was this lady always this beautiful? I felt a strange sense of admiration.

"I cannot accept them dying. If they are to be killed, then it would be cruel if I did not fall into hell with them. Even though my husband rarely showers me kind words and is a womanizer. Even though my son doesn't understand his mother's feelings and is a foolish boy. It's laughable. I know it's smarter to run away, but I still cannot abandon them."

Love is a curse. Sometimes it corrodes the heart, sometimes it turns into resentment, sometimes it drives wise men to foolish actions. But strangely, I did not feel bad. I found love. I love Leon, and Leon loves me. We are raising our children and living peaceful days. I cannot think of Mylene-sama as foolish. This lady is my reflection. If something had been different, I would have been just like her. Thinking that way, I could understand Mylene-sama's actions.

"I understand your feelings, Mylene-sama. However, I also have my own position. I cannot oppose my father and brother unless there is an extraordinary reason."

"I understand. This is just my selfishness. You are not obliged to comply."

I picked up the envelope on the table. I will make a decision after reading the materials and consulting with Leon. The sun seen through the window had set considerably. It's time to prepare to return to the Bartfault territory.

"For now, I will return. I will make a decision after my husband returns from the Royal capital."

"That's fine. Even if you harbor rebellion against the Royal family, I will not hold it against you. After all, the Holfault royal family has treated you in ways that deserve hatred."

I corrected my posture, stood up, and bowed to Mylene-sama. I'm tired, very tired. When I return to the Bartfault residence, I want to sleep without eating or bathing.

"I'm sorry."

As I was about to leave the room and grabbed the doorknob, I was called from behind. When I turned around, Mylene-sama was bowing her head to me. Basically, royalty does not bow to their vassals. Bowing to someone of lower status than royalty itself is an acknowledgment of one's fault and devalues the authority of the crown.

"I have caused you nothing but trouble. If Julius had the capacity to accept you, there would have been no problem. It is entirely the fault of the Royal family, and my poor judgment is to blame. It was not your fault."

"No apologies needed. I am happy now because that very engagement was broken. If that day had not happened, I would not have realized this happiness."

"The real reason I arranged this meeting was to apologize to you. Thinking I might never see you again, I wanted to settle things while I was alive."

"As expected, you are deceitful through the end. If you act so humbly, it makes me seem like the bad woman if I don't forgive you."

When I answered with a smile, Mylene-sama also smiled in response. Looking back, we never smiled peacefully at each other when I was in the royal capital.

"Take care."

"Mylene-sama, please take care of your health as well."

Our words were few, but we couldn't help but worry about each other's well-being. Leaving the establishment, I invigorated my tired heart and body and headed to the airport. I had no plans to stay in this place. The crew members of the airship looked relieved when I returned. Once preparations were complete, the ship departed, and the floating island visible through the window gradually grew smaller. I want to go home soon. I want to hug Lionel and Ariel. I want Leon to come back soon. I want him to hold me and wipe away my anxieties. Slowly closing my eyes, my existence became vague. Stroking my belly and thinking of the new life within me, I fell asleep.


Author Note


Ladies' meeting concluded. (It's not really a ladies' meeting, though.) The Holfort Kingdom is in a dire situation due to the machinations of the Redgrave family, but considering the web version and Marie route, this level of scheming doesn't seem out of place. It's often said that marriage, childbirth, and child-rearing change one's values. Mylene-sama, in a world without the dependable reincarnator Leon, became a hard-working person who toiled for her husband, son, and daughter without knowing love. Olivia, rather than being a "main character who spouts idealistic nonsense without seeing reality" as described by Marie in the main story, became someone with abilities but lacking in political power. Without the support of the five idiots, it would be difficult for a common-born girl to navigate political strife. The harshness of the world in this story is due to faithfully recreating the setting of Mobseka, making the world tough for all characters. (Sweat)

P.S. Thank you to Nishiduki Shino-sama and Yuki Sakura-sama for the illustrations at the request of the client. Nishiduki Shino-sama: [Skeb], 

Yuki Sakura-sama: [Pixiv

I would appreciate any opinions or feedback to motivate future works.



Translator Note


Finally it ended this chapter was f#king long oh god. In middle of it I even thought of divide it into 2 chapters but decided against it. Now is 8:30 pm , I will start my Gintama final movie I am so excited...... My second food order is coming too, I ordered surprise box so I don't know what will it in be it's kinda exciting... (Yeah I am avoiding cafeteria) Well authorities allowed out-side foods for non-chirst so no problem if I properly dispose them in morning or evening cleaning trucks its all okay.

Again see you next Sunday bye bye....

Hey I will add word-count to show my struggles to you all.....

Word-count - 4735 .

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