
Mad Tea Party

Chapter 20

'In the Kingdom of Holfault, the true ruler is the queen.'

Many who know the inner workings of this country would say so.

From the very beginning of his reign, His Majesty Roland Rapha Holfault, the current king, was not very enthusiastic about governance, which has been a headache for the kingdom's leadership.

In such circumstances, Mylene-sama came as a bride from the United Kingdom of Lepart, as part of an alliance to counter the Holy Kingdom of Rachel.

By the age of ten, she was already renowned as a talented woman in neighboring countries, but her position within the kingdom was complicated.

It is not uncommon for the queen consort to come from another country, and if a prince born of the queen consort becomes the heir, it is publicly praised as a part of fostering friendship between the two countries.

However, the reality is not so simple.

It provides an opportunity for another country to intervene in the royal succession, to educate the child in a way that benefits their home country during their early years, and could be seen as an enemy by nationalist retainers.

The marriage of royals from different countries is inherently a source of trouble.

To manage the state affairs in such a challenging situation, and to become a presence that even opposition factions cannot help but acknowledge due to her competence, requires an immense amount of talent, effort, and luck.

Mylene Rapha Holfault.

She was indeed a rare heroine, worthy of praise as the ruler of the Kingdom of Holfort.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

"Mmm, this is quite delicious."

Before my eyes, the very queen is savoring a variety of colorful desserts.

The large cake stand has three tiers: the top tier is filled with seasonal fruits, the second tier with cakes and cream puffs generously made with cream, and the bottom tier with light snacks like bread and vegetables.

This is originally a dish meant to be ordered for several people, but Mylene-sama seems to be on the verge of finishing it all by herself.

In contrast to Mylene-sama, I am not eating much. Being alone with the queen in a private room without an escape is inherently a special situation, but more than that, I am in the early stages of pregnancy and my appetite is not strong.

Having experienced it firsthand after giving birth once, I know that in my case, morning sickness starts around the second month of pregnancy.

Symptoms like fatigue and excessive sleepiness begin to appear, making everything seem bothersome.

Still, it would be disrespectful to do nothing while facing the queen.

I choose some fruits, which are relatively more palatable, and place them on my plate.

As I bite into an intricately crafted apple and orange, the fresh juice fills my mouth.

Meanwhile, Mylene-sama continues to enjoy her sweets.

Surely, she didn't invite me instead of the royal palace to this establishmen just to enjoy sweets.

Though I deny it in my mind, I can't help but conclude that "it's not impossible with this person."

Before officially becoming the his highness's fiancée, I served beside the queen to learn proper conduct.

This person possesses a terrifying combination of innocence and cunning that is unfitting for her age.

With the same innocent look she uses to tease children, she mercilessly cuts off nobles who has crossed the line.

"The palace chefs and ingredients are incomparable to this shop's. I don't think this is fitting for Your Majesty's taste."

"It's about the mood. Sometimes, candy from a roadside stall can taste better than the finest cake eaten under scrutiny in the rigid atmosphere of the palace."

"Depending on the time and situation?"

"Everything depends on compatibility. The best isn't always the finest."

Indeed, that's true.

I was born as a duchess, the highest rank excluding the royal family, and received the best education.

If there were a suitable marriage partner, it would be a royal or a duke's son.

However, the person who actually suited me best was the second son of a poor baron who was raised almost like a commoner.

I have no regrets about that, but considering the time and money the Redgrave family invested in raising me, it wasn't a worthwhile investment.

My father and brother cared for me, but during my time at the academy, it wasn't uncommon to see sons and daughters being scolded by their parents if they couldn't find suitable marriage partners.

"Ange, you look happy."

"Do I?"

"Yes, very."

Saying that, Mylene-sama took a sip of tea from her cup.

I was indeed extremely blessed now.

I had found a loving partner and was blessed with children.

Living in the countryside where no one knew about my bad reputation, I could fully utilize my knowledge and skills to gradually develop our territory.

Compared to the Royal capital, it may seem like a monotonous life with a slow passage of time.
But if asked whether this life is unsatisfying, I would strongly disagree.

Living peacefully and safely requires an immense amount of power, money, and knowledge.

Choosing the best from limited resources and placing the right people in the right positions is a job that tests one's qualities as a lord.

Watching Leon, who received almost no noble education, develop alongside the territory is very enjoyable and fulfilling.

"The ladies of the local lords say that 'the twisted heart of Viscount Baltfault was corrected by the love of the fallen duchess.'"

"I have done nothing. It's all thanks to his efforts."

I find that rumor somewhat unsatisfactory.

Leon may be a bit foul-mouthed and mean-spirited, but his heart was never twisted.

He follows my teachings obediently and, despite complaining, has never tried to shirk his duties as a lord.

It's extremely unpleasant to think of him in the same light as the incompetent court nobles who are only good with words but complete eyesore when it came to practical skills.

"You are very fond of him I see. Well, getting pregnant so soon after marriage.... tells a lot."

Her words make my cheeks flush.

Since we became intimate, our days in that second house have been filled with love and desire.

Though it's often said that couples who conceive immediately after marriage feel they don't have enough time alone, that was not the case for us.

Rather, we must have been endlessly boasting about each other in public.

Both Leon and I lacked proper romantic experiences, and having jumped straight to intimacy, then we couldn't stop ourselves.

Even now, talking with Mylene-sama, I keep thinking about Leon.

Though Mylene-sama seems to have orchestrated it, it's abnormal that I'm thinking about him so much just a few days after parting.

This is Leon's fault too.

He corrupted me, who was pure and only focused on work, by teaching me decadent acts.

When he returns from the capital, I must make sure he doesn't leave my side for a while.

Looking back, I never had conversations like this during my time at the academy.

I believed without a doubt that I would become the queen, and so did everyone else, leaving no opportunity for such girl talk.

After becoming a mother, to think I would have such a conversation with Mylene-sama, who might have been my mother-in-law, shows how unpredictable life is.

"So, you are expecting your third child right? 
My! How Vigorous."

Understanding the meaning of her words, I nearly drop the cake fork I was holding.

How does she know?

The only ones who know about my third pregnancy are the members of the Bartfault family and my father and brother in the Redgrave family.

If there are royal spies in the Bartfault territory, I need to thoroughly scrutinize the flow of people and goods in the future.

If she learned from within the Redgrave family, it means the Royal family knows the internal affairs of the duke's family well, and I should warn them.

With just one word about my pregnancy, the atmosphere in the room changed drastically.

As expected, the woman before me is terrifying.

I direct a sharp gaze at Mylene-sama, who has resumed eating cake from her plate.

"You don't need to be so guarded. I have no intention of causing trouble for you or the Bartfault family."

Saying this, Mylene-sama, who addresses me, has a completely different face from earlier, one of a ruler.

"I have warned you before to stop showing your emotions on your face so quickly. It's a bad habit of yours, so make sure to correct it."

She pointed at me and slowly lowered her hand from my head to my feet.

"Even though it’s unofficial, you're meeting the queen in clothes that are perfectly tailored but have a loose fit around the waist, your complexion is good but your appetite has decreased compared to before, and above all, you unconsciously protect your stomach."

Did she deduce that much from my scarce details and actions?

This person is still in a far-off place beyond my reach.

"If such trivial guesses make you tense, you won't be able to handle what I'm going to talk about next."

"What are you planning to talk about?"

"For that, we’re still missing some players. They should be arriving soon."

She glanced at the clock hanging in the room.

It's already well past noon, a bit too early for an afternoon snack.

Feeling a bit idle, I rang the room bell and ordered the waiter.

After waiting for a while, freshly brewed tea steeped with sliced lemon was delivered, the tea tasted bitter, perhaps due to the subtle tension in the room.

Time passed without knowing who we were waiting for or what we were going to discuss.

Just as I was about to pour a second cup of lemon tea, there was a knock on the door.

It seemed the 'player' Mylene-sama mentioned had arrived.

The one who entered the room was a girl who appeared to be in her mid-teens.

She was dressed in the attire of a temple maiden.

The moment I saw her outfit, a fierce premonition flashed through my mind.

It was certain I was about to be embroiled in a troublesome matter.

Currently, the position of the temple forces in the kingdom is delicate.

The temple was originally established to protect the holy maiden who assisted the founders during the kingdom's inception.

Initially, it must have been a pure and upright organization, but over time, it transformed.

Now it’s a refuge for noble sons who can't inherit their family estates and noble daughters looking to enhance their marriage prospects.

Or rather, that was supposed to be the case.
To protect Olivia, who awakened as the true holy maiden, many capable individuals became affiliated with the temple.

However, during the war with the Fanoss Principality, many of them lost their lives to the monsters employed by the principality's army.

The grim reaper, being the ultimate equalizer, took both corrupt temple knights who only thought about enjoying the good life and patriotic, talented temple knights without discrimination.

The restructuring of the temple forces necessitates the kingdom's intervention, triggering a conflict between conservatives loyal to the old system and reformists dispatched to revamp the organization. This issue is deeply entwined with the history and religion of the Holfault Kingdom, making it a matter I wish to avoid.

When I was part of the duke's family, I might have had the connections and information needed, but now I am merely the wife of a newly risen rural lord. It will be troublesome if people have excessive expectations of me.

The girl entered the room, bowing respectfully to Mylene-sama and me before standing by the door. The person Mylene-sama referred to was someone else it seem. Soon, another woman in temple maiden attire entered, her hood drawn low over her face, perhaps to avoid attention. She lowered her hood slowly, revealing a face that created a illusion of blood rushing through my body, 
Is it agitation or anger?
I stared at her, emotions swirling, and my heartbeat loud in my ears.

"Why are you here?" I managed to ask, my voice trembling with tension and anger.

The answer was clear—it was Mylene-sama who orchestrated this meeting. Regaining my composure, I glared at her. Glaring at the queen was extremely disrespectful, but she had initiated this unpleasant encounter.

"I was not informed she would be coming."

"I didn’t write it in the letter, but you could have inferred it," Mylene-sama replied nonchalantly, infuriating me. Her letter only mentioned the time and place, but news of a memorial service in the area had reached surrounding territories. The Bartfault territory had sent a condolence letter and donations. Mylene-sama implied it was my fault for not investigating further.

Hints were already given,If I had realized a temple visitor would be present, I might have avoided this shop. My actions had been anticipated, my thoughts have been read, and manipulated by the queen. My relationship with Mylene-sama goes back as long as my family’s, but to the cunning queen, adept at intrigue, I am a mere novice.

"Please wait, I asked her. The Queen is not to blame here," she intervened, breaking the tense air. 
Ah, as always, she remains a good person, full of compassion, desiring to help others. That’s why we can't get along with this person. Sometimes, good people are more troublesome than villains.

"Saint Olivia, what are you intending?" I asked her, who looked apologetic.

"Sorry, but I have no intention of talking to you. Mylene-sama, I apologize, but I will take my leave." 
I informed Mylene-sama and stood abruptly. As I approached the door, a black shadow—a maidservant girl—blocked my path. She was the Saint’s guard. 
I really should have brought Leon with me.

"Move," I growled, intimidating the girl. She trembled, looking to Olivia for guidance.

"I'm sorry, Angelica-sama. But please, at least listen. I want you to know the situation in the Royal capital," Olivia pleaded.

Honestly, I didn’t want to hear it. Leon’s stories had told me enough about the conflict between the Royal family and the ducal house. As long as Bartfault territory wasn’t involved, I had no intention of interfering. But the mention of the Royal capital unsettled me. Leon must have arrived there by now. If I did nothing, who knows what fate awaited Bartfault territory.

Seeing me waver, Mylene-sama spoke, her voice commanding. "Sit down, Angelica."

"Is that an order?" I asked defiantly, resisting.

"No, this is a request. I won't stop you if you decide to leave," Mylene-sama said. She was giving me the choice to leave, respecting my will. But also a warning..

'You're free to leave now without gaining any information. However, if you regret it later, it will be your responsibility for deciding to leave this place.'

 This was the negotiation tactic of a woman who ruled the Holfault Kingdom for years. I finally understood—this was a battle. The future of the Holfault Kingdom was being decided in a small room in a rural restaurant.

I turned and sat back down, straightening my posture. "Understood. I will listen."

Olivia and the girl by the door sighed in relief. "Thank you," Olivia said.

"No need for thanks, I am just honoring Mylene-sama's request," I replied curtly.

"We don't have much time. If the guards find out I sneaked out, it will be much harder next time," Olivia explained. She must be desperate to take such risky actions.

"You've grown to possess the grace to listen to those you dislike. I wonder whose influence that is?" Mylene-sama murmured, amused. Her words were irritating, but I began to understand her tactics—to unsettle and agitate the opponent. No wonder she was called held as the vixen in court poltics.

"Don't think I'm just a little girl who will always follow behind you," I responded provocatively. It was half out of spite, but it felt refreshing.

The weather outside made me want to nap. I wondered if Lionel and Ariel at the Bartfault mansion were well. I wondered if Leon in the royal capital was safe. I was content with my life with my husband and children, so why did troublesome matters keep arising? I could understand why Leon wanted to retire early. No use complaining—supporting husband is the duty of a good wife.

Now, let’s begin this strange tea party.

Authors Note

Saint Olivia appears. In the game, she is portrayed as an assertive character who even strikes the prince upon their first meeting. To reject the will of the first Saint, she must have to be strong. This isn't an individual route but a reverse harem route image; unlike Marie, she is pure and spotless (which may seem even darker). Angelica should hate Olivia more for causing her engagement to break, but her attitude has softened greatly due to the influence of Leon and their children. I couldn't write the conflict between two characters who are usually very close in the main story.

P.S.: Illustrations by Taira Rinko-sama and Jitsushizu-sama, commissioned by the client. Thank you. 
Taira Rinko-sama: Link 1  , 
                           Link 2
Jitsushizu-sama:  Link
Feedback and comments would be appreciated for future motivation.

Translator Note
You won't believe what happened 11th vol of Mobseka just came it should be coming in next month not now, well it's already 3 pm here , and I still need do one more chapter after that I will start reading the 11th vol with pizza in one hand with watching gintama silver soul arc in full volume in tv ah Sundays I love you ! Well my roommate kinda ghosting me from a week so I won't be troubling anyone, well I kinda proposed her (yeah I was high) then I hadn't saw her for 6 whole days ! She is currently staying in another of our friends dorm room ! F#ck I will be getting bullied from the next semester ain't I ?

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