
The Melancholy of the Leon

Chapter 14

The performance of an airship extends beyond mere speed. It includes a variety of factors such as quietness, durability, and the comfort of the living quarters. For nobles, owning a personal airship is a given, and the aspects they choose to lavishly enhance can reveal much about their personalities.

As a regional lord, my budget for an airship is limited. However, as long as it appears respectable among other nobles and provides enough comfort to keep me from tiring on long journeys, it will suffice. Even so, it's vastly superior to the airship the Bartfault family once owned.

The sight of the bow cutting through the clouds always excites me. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a hero. An adventurer who rides a cool airship, discovers unknown floating islands, and collects treasures. A knight who pilots a polished suit of armor to protect the country from invaders and save princesses.

Such dreams that any boy would have are always trampled by the inescapable reality. A slice of bread in front of me is more important than the dreams of my childhood, which may never come true.

People praise me as a hero. A young prodigy who rose from the second son of a poor noble family to great heights in one generation. A guardian of the country who challenged the enemy army with a small force and successfully took down their commander. A capable lord who married the duke's daughter and successfully managed his territory.

But all of that is wrong. The real Leon Fou Bartfault is a cowardly, ordinary person who just happened to be blessed with unexpected luck and got to where he is now. What will happen to me when this luck runs out and my facade is stripped away?

As I ponder this, I look out the window. Contrary to my inner turmoil, the sky was a beautiful blue. Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time, I headed to the captain's cabin of the airship. Even though I was supposed to be returning home after several months, my steps were heavy.



"Stop sighing, Leon, it's Despondent."

"You're a lord, after all. Straighten up a bit."

My brother and younger brother scolded me, but what's troublesome is still troublesome. The captain's cabin of the airship is just as soundproof and durable as the bridge. It's the perfect place to have conversations we don't want the crew to hear.

The ones scolding me were my brother Nick and my younger brother Colin. Despite being the highest authority on this airship, my older brother and younger brother are always exasperated with me. Nick is set to officially join the nobility soon, having been recognized to inherit the baron title. Colin, though without title or rank, receives education in the territory and works like my subordinate. Both are beloved family members and reliable subordinates.

Yet, their words to me are always harsh. I think that's a bit much.

"I don't want to go home. Angie is definitely going to be mad."

I muttered for what seemed like the umpteenth time, hanging my head. Every time I mentioned the name of my beloved wife, my spirits sank. How did it come to this?

It all started about six months ago. The Alzer Republic suddenly collapsed without any warning. The cause is still unknown, rumored to be either the rampage of the Holy Tree or a massive explosion of high-purity magic stones. The surviving members six great nobles who controlled the country's core barely managed to gather the remaining survivors, but as a state, the Alzer Republic effectively disintegrated and had to rely on aid from neighboring countries.

The issue was which country would lead the support for the Alzer Republic. The so-called aid was actually interference, demanding they become a vassal state in exchange for food and supplies. The ones vying for this leadership were the Fanos Principality and our Holfault Kingdom. It was only natural that the two countries, who had fought many wars, would try to increase their own gains while hoping for the other's losses. As a result, the peace treaty was nullified, and we ended up waging war again, just as we did four years ago.

I, for one, never wanted to go through another war. Having retired from the military due to the very same war injuries, I should have been exempt from conscription this time. But things didn't go so smoothly. My rise in rank was initially triggered by the war with the principality. The fact that I managed to regroup a broken unit and take down the principality's commander brought hope to the kingdom and rage to the principality. The kingdom saw me as a young commander to uphold the front lines, while the principality saw me as an arch-enemy and the first target for elimination if I didn't participate in the war. If I didn't go, they would naturally target my wife, children, family, and territory.

I even considered defecting to another country where we might be accepted, but it wasn't realistic, so I scrapped the idea. Though I had no loyalty to the kingdom, I had no choice but to fight for my own and my family's and my people's lives. In the end, I had to march to war, putting my brother as my deputy and leading the men of the Bartfault territory. I resented both the royal family and the principality for starting a war when my son and daughter, born just last year, weren't even a year old yet.

I'd overthrow both of them and become king myself, damn it. After months of fighting, the principality was defeated, and the kingdom brought nearly half of the former republic and the principality under its control.

"Stop being so dramatic."

"There's no way sister-in-law would hate you."

"You guys don't know how scary Angie can be."

Angie has a beautiful face, but when she gets seriously angry, she becomes unnaturally intimidating. How should I put it, she's a natural-born queen? When she scolds me with that face and voice, it's terrifying and at the same time, so sexy it gives me chills.

[T/N-Masochism is the truth]

Well, Angie only gets truly angry at me. Her emotions belong to me alone; I don't want to share them with anyone else.

"Why didn't you keep in touch properly in the first place?"

"I couldn't help it; it was wartime."

"There were so many betrayals in the previous war."

Colin, who stayed back to protect the Bartfault territory with our father instead of joining the military, might not know this, but it’s common for the military to restrict personal communication to prevent information leaks.

Moreover, during the last war, we had a series of betrayals, and even military secrets were leaked to the Duchy.

Thanks to that, I was able to lure the Duchy’s army with false information and ambush them.

Unfortunately, because of my achievements in the previous war, I was once again assigned to a battle zone, this time as a unit commander from the start—definitely not a welcome promotion.

The Holfault royal family really needs to stop exploiting me like this. I couldn’t even properly contact my family for three months during my deployment.

And when the war ended and I tried to return to my territory, I was forcibly held back, invited to the capital, and made to participate in a victory celebration and a noble council meeting, delaying my return by another half month.

I’ve told them it’s a bothersome favor, so they should stop it. Seriously, just stop.

When I finally managed to send word to the Bartfault territory from the capital, Angie’s voice was calm when I heard it after a long time.

She’s definitely angry, she must be angry, absolutely angry.

It’s one thing to get scolded by Angie, but I want to avoid being disliked at all costs.

In situations like this, a gift might help smooth things over, but Angie is from a ducal family, so my idea of luxury probably won’t impress her.

Dwelling on it won’t help, and there are other things I’m curious about.

“How are Lionel and Ariel doing? Can they walk yet? Are they starting to talk?”

I asked Colin, who stayed back in the Bartfalt territory.

Lionel Fou Bartfault and Ariel Fou Bartfault.

My beloved son and daughter, my reasons for living.

Angie gave birth to my children a few months before the Republic collapsed.

One boy and one girl, both with Angie’s golden hair.

For the first time as a father, I understood that nothing is as adorable as one’s own children.

I had experience taking care of Finley and Colin, so I was somewhat used to it, but Angie, who grew up in a ducal household where nannies and maids handled child-rearing, was clumsily caring for them.

The idea of Angie, Lionel, and Ariel being in danger? Over my dead body. I’d fight the entire world to protect them.

As a result, I decided to join the military.

That’s fine, but the problem is the pain of being separated from my children during their cutest phase.

“They’ve grown fond of sister-in-law and our parents. Lately, they’ve started to speak in broken sentences.”

“What about me?”

“It’s impossible to be fond of someone who isn’t there.”

At least sugarcoat it a bit, it makes me want to cry.

If I come home after surviving a brutal fight only to find that my wife, son, and daughter dislike me and there’s no place for me at home, I’d rather die.

Many couples end up divorcing after one of them returns from military service.

“Ah, I really don’t want to be promoted. Everyone just dumps their problems on me.”

“You really don’t want to be ennobled?”

“If I become a count, I’ll have to take on appropriate responsibilities, especially now when relations between the royal family and the ducal family are strained, the position I’m given will determine the standing of the Bartfault family.”

My brother answered Colin’s question.

I’m not particularly knowledgeable about politics either; it’s only thanks to Angie’s guidance that I can understand the court’s power dynamics at all.

“Originally, Angie and the prince’s engagement was meant to strengthen the relationship between the Holfault royal family and the Redgrave ducal family. With the royal family as the symbolic figurehead and the ducal family as the largest faction, the kingdom’s rule would have been solidified.”

“There were many nobles who weren’t happy about this. The leading them was Marquis Frampton, who secretly colluded with the Duchy during the last war.”

“His plan was to break off Angie and the prince’s engagement, then marry off a noblewoman from his faction to gain control over the court. And it was working for a while.”

“His miscalculation was that the prince chose the Saint after breaking off the engagement with Angelica. No one expected him to choose a commoner without even a noble rank.”

“So, the traitors thought they could easily make the Saint a puppet to control the royal family. But they failed, and their betrayal was discovered, leading to their execution.”

It’s a disgusting story no matter how many times I hear it.

But thanks to that scumbag, Angie became my wife, so it’s ironic.

“Even though the relationship between the Saint and Angie wasn’t good, it’s still true that the prince took the lead in breaking off the engagement. Because of that, the relationship between the royal family and the ducal family is at its all-time worst.”

“After the truth came out, the royal family announced that everything was Frampton’s scheme. With no one to refute it, they blamed everything on him, saying ‘the royal family was just deceived.’”

“That’s awful.”

“The royal family is trying to repair relations with the ducal family, but it’s not going well. To formally apologize to the ducal family would mean admitting their own fault.”

“As a result, the royal family’s credibility is in shambles, the prince’s abilities are questioned, and the Saint’s support is low due to Frampton’s manipulations allegations.”

Most of this was from Angie's, but I finished the explanation.

When Angie first told me about our country’s situation, I was as shocked as Colin is now.

“How does this relate to your promotion?”

“Because Leon married Angelica. Even if they can’t formally apologize to Angelica, they want to make up for it by promoting her husband, Leon.”

“The ducal family can also strengthen their faction if I get promoted. In this one aspect, the royal family and the ducal family’s interests align.”

Saying this, I pointed to the existence stored in the hangar below the captain’s quarters.

Giving me unnecessary things like that—what a bothersome favor.

The royal family seems to be under the illusion that everyone will be pleased with whatever they bestow.

“The royal family sure is generous, giving you a brand-new suit of armor.”

“I don’t need it. It’s gaudy and impractical.”

“I think it looks cool.”

“How am I supposed to maintain it? There’s no one in the Bartfault territory who can adjust the latest model.”

In this war, my armor got pretty beat up.

Originally, it was an old, cheap suit with added armor and weapons, resulting in an ungainly look, but I didn’t mind as long as it kept me alive.

I ended up with a bulky, heavy suit, but I grew fond of its rugged look since it kept me safe.

Contrary to my feelings, the royal and ducal families deemed it ‘unfit for a high-ranking noble to pilot.’

So, they gifted me a sleek, streamlined, latest model suit with the Bartfalt family crest prominently displayed on the chest.

For the record, while my piloting skills are above average, I’m just an ordinary guy.

Even if I use it, I can’t make full use of its performance, and we don’t have anyone in the territory who can maintain such advanced armor. I can’t sell it either because it bears the Bartfalt family crest, and I’d be reprimanded if the royal family found out I got rid of it.

No matter how you look at it, it’s just a burden.

“Then why don’t we build a large workshop in our territory?”

“With my future duties in mind, that might be more cost-effective. If it works out, we could also earn money from repair requests from neighboring territories.”

“Building a workshop isn’t free. I’d have to borrow money from the duke again.”

Colin’s idea is appealing but full of holes.

The Bartfault family doesn’t have the funds to invest in establishing a workshop right now.

We did earn some money from development and the hot springs business, but that’s been reduced by this war.

If we deplete our savings further, we won’t be able to handle unforeseen events like crop failures or the hot springs drying up.

By the way, the kingdom better reimburse us for the war expenses, right?

The royal family’s influence is already waning, and if they cut necessary defense costs, we might really defect to another country.

But borrowing money from the ducal family is also unappealing.

The duke wants to use me to increase his influence in the court.

No matter how things turn out, I can’t avoid getting promoted.

Please, just let me retire in peace.

"Hey, bro."


"How about becoming the head of the Bartfault family?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Then what about Colin?"

"That's impossible."

"Ahhh, I just want to retire!"

I've lost count of how many times I've thought that.

My cries of anguish are drowned out by the sound of the engine and the walls of the captain's cabin.

"The princes and the duke are trying to unofficially recruit me into their factions in the royal capital. Why can't they get along?"

"That's why you're late coming back."

"Choosing between the royal family and the duke's family is giving me a headache."

"But since I'm the son-in-law, I have to side with the duke's family. So, bro, you should hurry up and get married."

"Wait, how does it come to that?"

"If you marry a noblewoman from the royal faction, it'll look like you're pledging loyalty to the royal family. Besides, Mom and Dad will be relieved."

"Are you planning to let me choose my bride?"

"It's more realistic than having sis marry out. Any marriage proposals for sis while we were gone?"


"Then you getting married is the quickest solution. There should be some noblewomen willing to go out with you now."

"Sorry for not being popular, you idiot!"

My brother got angry and punched me hard. It hurts.

"You got all high and mighty just because you married a beautiful woman, didn't you, Leon!"

"Don't hit your brother when he's worried about you!"

"Mind your own business! I'll find a bride on my own!"

"There are a lot of noble sons who end up unmarried because they say things like that!"

"Do you know how hurt I was when you, who was popular with the neighborhood girls, said you weren't popular!?"

"Don't take it out on me, stupid brother!"

"Respect your elder brother a little, you foolish younger brother!"

"Stop it already!"

The family meeting about our future turned into a silly argument and ended without much achievement.

At the same time, the buzzer rang throughout the ship.

This sound signaled our arrival at the destination.

Looking out the window, I saw a large floating island.

It was our territory, seen for the first time in months.

After circling to check the condition of the floating island, we were given permission to dock, and the ship began landing preparations.

The Bartfault territory's port was disproportionately large compared to the development of the territory.

The reason was to accommodate large airships owned by high-ranking nobles visiting the hot springs and to bring in necessary supplies for development.

Eventually, we’ll have to separate the port for tourists and workers, but the Bartfault family doesn't have the that kind of money for that right now.

As we descended slowly and completed docking, the vibrations from the airship stopped.

It took about a day and a half to travel from the royal capital to Bartofalt territory without encountering any sky pirates.

Attacking me deliberately would be an act of reckless courage, making enemies of the hero and not fearing the pursuit of both the royal and duke families.

A few years ago, the kingdom was full of such fools.

As the airship's gangway opened, the mixed air of the crowd's heat and the smell of various cargoes wafted into the ship.

I was granted this floating island just few years ago, but returning after a long time made me feel nostalgic.

People gathered around the airship.

Well, it's inevitable since the lord was returning after months.

"Hey! Over here!"

A particularly loud voice echoed, and the onlookers began to move.

Our father, Baron Bulcus Fou Bartfault, was arriving.

Dressed simply, he looked more like a dockworker than a noble.

In the future, my brother will inherit the title, so there's no need for him to dress up, and I'm envious of how carefree he looks. Please, switch places with me.

Several well-dressed men by my father were the retainers hired by the Bartfault family.

They were dressed better than my father, but they couldn't admonish their lord’s father.

Feeling sympathy for their harsh situation, they noticed my internal struggle and nodded with a bitter smile.

Looking back at my father, I saw him holding some beautiful pink cloth.

The moment I recognized it, my heart started pounding.

As my father bent down and put what he was holding at his feet, it slowly stood up.

No doubt, it was Ariel.

She had grown quite a bit since I last saw her.

Children grow up fast, as they often say, and she had learned to stand on her own while I was away.

I was filled with both emotion and anger at the royal family and the duchy for taking away the chance to watch my child's growth, but I would forgive them just for now because my daughter was so cute.

I crouched down and spread my arms, ready to hug Ariel.

Come, leap into Daddy's arms.

However, contrary to my expectations, Ariel did not come running.

She was looking at me suspiciously.

Please, don’t look at Daddy like that.

"Look, Ariel. It's Daddy after a long time."

My impatient father desperately tried to encourage Ariel, but it only made her react worse.

My daughter glared at me, making me want to cry for a different reason than before.


The moment I heard that single word of rejection, I collapsed to my knees, and as of to let go my concious.

The carriage slowly traveled down the road to the Bartfault mansion.

Previously unpaved and bumpy enough to make my butt hurt in the carriage, the main roads were now paved with cobblestones to improve the territory's convenience alongside the hot spring business.

This was also Angie's idea to ensure tourists would not feel discomfort.

Ariel was sleeping peacefully, lulled by the slight vibrations.

"Don't be so down. She was just confused because it's been a while."

My brother's comforting words did little to soothe me.

"Hey, bro."

"What is it?"

"We fought desperately to protect the kingdom, right?"


"How many times did we almost die?"

"Four or five times. Also, when the duchy sent out the giant monster, I thought, 'Well, we're dead.'"

"And yet this is our reward? I fought for our family!"

"Calm down, you'll wake Ariel."

My father frowned as he stroked Ariel's head while she slept peacefully.

Why does she cling to her grandfather more than her father? Seriously, can we switch roles?

"That's what being a father is like. Even if they adore you when they're young, they'll grow to hate you."

"I don't want to hear that."

"Jenna and Finley were so attached to me when they were little, but now they just say harsh things."

"Shut up, you lousy dad."

I don't want to hear about the sorrows of fatherhood.

I want to be respected by my daughter.

"I'm done. My wife hates me, my daughter has forgotten my face, and everything's terrible. I'm going to retire. I'll shut myself up in a separate house and live a lazy life."

"Stop talking nonsense and pull yourself together. We're almost home."

"Did you do something to make Angelica angry?"

"…I left without saying goodbye."


"On the morning of my departure, I didn't wake her up and let her see me off."

"That's it?"

That’s it? This is incredibly important.

Angie was against my conscription until the very end.

She tried to stop me several times, but I overruled her objections and joined the military.

If I had refused conscription, the Bartfault family's position within the kingdom would have been precarious, and if the duchy attacked, our forces alone couldn't withstand them.

Like it or not, we had to submit to the kingdom to protect our family and territory.

Seeing Angie crying and trying to stop me weakened my resolve.

So, on the night before my departure, I wore her out to the point of exhaustion.

I also wanted to leave another child behind, a memento of me.

In the kingdom's nobility, inheritance is generally by male succession.

But if we only had one son, and something happened to Lionel, the continuation of the Bartfault family would be in jeopardy.

While daughters can inherit a portion of the family’s wealth, they cannot inherit titles or positions.

Even Angie, a duke's daughter who received queen's education, would have lived out her life unfulfilled if she hadn't married me.

If I died in battle, could Lionel smoothly inherit the title? And it would be almost impossible for Ariel to inherit the territory without a father and brother.

She would have to either take a husband or adopt a son from another family.

Seeing all I had built taken away by a stranger?

That thought made me boil with anger.

So, I decided the quickest solution was for Angie to have another boy, who could then inherit.

Looking back, I realize my past traumas from the war made me go in strange directions.

I clung to Angie every night to distract myself from the fear of the battlefield.

How would Angie feel, being treated like a tool for continuing the bloodline?

She must hate me now.

"Let me give you some advice from a father to a troubled son."

Seeing me with my head in my hands, my father spoke up.

What's this about? I have a bad feeling.

"Just hug her tightly. Then whisper 'I love you' in her ear over and over. Everything will be fine."

"…Hey, Colin."

"What, bro?"

"Dad always does that and gets scolded by Mom."

"Funny you mention that, I think the same."

"He's always been like that, ending up bowing down to Mom in the end."

My father looked awkward as his sons criticized him.

He's completely unreliable.

"Well, you'll just have to apologize to Angelica sincerely."

"Good luck, bro. I'm rooting for you."

"Well, all I can do is apologize sincerely to sister-in-law."

"Do your best. If Angelica divorces you, the Bartfault territory will be finished."

"I don't want to be separated from my grandchildren, so rub your head on the ground and do your best to be forgiven." 

I know that none of the guys in my family will protect me, but it still makes me sad.

"Is that the only option?"

I sighed for the umpteenth time.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

I arrive at the Bartfalt mansion and step down from the carriage.

When I try to carry a sleepy Ariel, she makes a disgusted face, which really makes me want to cry.

The household staff, anticipating our arrival, are lined up to welcome us.

The staff were recommended by the Redgrave family, and both Angie and I personally interviewed and hired them, so their capabilities are high.

Luckily, there’s no one who looks down on us, even though their education levels are likely higher than what my father and mother received.

As we enter the mansion, I finally feel at ease.

Having crossed the line of death countless times to get back here, it’s deeply moving.

“Welcome back.”


“You’re late, hurry up and get home already.”

My mother, my sister Jenna, and my younger sister Finley greet us in the entrance hall.

“I’m home, Mom.”

My mother’s carefree voice almost brings me to tears. Other than Angie, my mother is the only one who’s kind to me.

“So, did you make any achievements?”

And my sister throws harsh words at me, as usual.

“Just surviving is an achievement. If I die, the Bartfault family ends. You won’t be able to live a decent life either, sis.”

“What, how cheeky.”

“If you don’t like it, get married already. Well, there’s no one in the kingdom or even the principality who would want to marry you, though.”

Sticking out my tongue and provoking her, my sister snaps and tries to hit me, but I easily dodge it. I’ve undergone military training and survived the battlefield; an amateur’s attacks are nothing to me.

The usual banter, harmless play.

Family is really nice. There’s nothing more precious than the unchanging daily life.

Suddenly, sensing something, I see a small foot sticking out from behind the sofa.

As I approach slowly, it tries to stay still and hide its presence, but not well enough.

Quickly moving around, I find a small boy looking up at me in surprise.

“Lionel, it’s Daddy.”

There’s no mistaking it, it’s my son.

Lionel frantically flails his arms and legs, heading towards my mother. Hiding behind her, he timidly peeks at me.

Am I really that scary? It makes me want to cry for a different reason than with Ariel.

My heir seems to be timid and lacking in courage.

When I once wondered aloud who he resembled, everyone said, “It’s you,” but I don’t think I was this much of a scaredy-cat.

While I’m happy to reunite with my children, I’m concerned about one person who’s not here.

Is she so angry that she doesn’t want to greet me?

What should I do when I face her?

“And Angie?”

“She was working in the office until a moment ago, but...”

Before Finley finishes answering, I hear footsteps.

The sound, though slow in rhythm, is loud enough to announce the presence to the surroundings.

With each step closer, the sound grows louder.

As the sound stops, I sense a new presence in the entrance hall behind me.

“Welcome home, Leon.”

When I turn around, there stands my beloved wife.


Authors Note


Beginning of a new chapter.

It seems like the third installment of Altoliebe has started again with the war against the principality.

In the manga adaptation, I imagine Mob Leon fighting the principality's monsters.

Leon and Angie’s son, Lionel, has a straightforward name meaning "young lion."

Their daughter, Ariel (tentative), is based on the daughter resembling Angie from the web novel’s epilogue and an illustration by Manga artist Jun Shiosato.

I chose her name because, being the daughter of Leon (Lion) and Angelica (Angel), Ariel means "Lion of God."

This story is from Leon’s perspective, and I’ll also depict intimate scenes.

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